WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 2016

Hope the new week is kind to all...

Lindybird: How distressing for your friends who moved to a town house. My sister and BiL have a lovely house in the country but are thinking they should be closer to services/family - all in Bucks - and are very concerned about the options.

Lynette: Was this your former family home that's listed and has been in limbo for a year? You mention a landlord who went broke....

Hot here these last couple of days and more to come, but still, we've had a nice summer. Got my "project" table in from the garage tonight with an eye to starting on the dreaded sorting and culling of photos taken over the last - um - decade.

It was granddaughter's birthday today. She went out with her coworkers last night but didn't have a great time. She now works with people in detox treatment and apparently saw too many party types throwing back the booze who reminded her of her clients.

Anyway, best thoughts for all for the coming week.

  • Lindy, I think Heather is right, Two pairs of trousers plus tops are fine. I usually don't wear trousers as not a good look for me( too pear shaped), but prefer skirts.

    I generally find I am in 'the middle', not too dressed up, but make an effort, which suits me fine. This was how I found things when I went on the river cruise last year.

    Sorry things are not so good for you, Margo. You have a lot contend with.  Best wishes and positive thoughts to you and your sister.

    Sympathies with you, Heather. I have similar problems sometimes.

    I follow AQ's travels with interest. So many lovely, empty churches, among other things. Glad the knee is allowing you these trips now, AQ.

    I liked the pea stories and poem. I have a problem in my freezer, where I spilled some peas some time ago. I haven't worked out how to remove the drawer, or more to the point, put in back, so there are some very ancient peas in there!

    Thank you to everyone else not mentioned for  news and pictures.

  • Lindy, forgot to say, have a lovely holiday.

  • Margo: I am sending love and healing energy to both you and your sister. Hugs to you.

    Heather: I am so very, very sorry about your OH's hearing impairment. Such a tragic condition, and I know it is an awful adjustment for both of you. Hugs to you.

    Lindy: Have a wonderful holiday!!!

    OG: Enjoy your evening!

    Annette: Thanks for your email and your support.

    Thanks so much to all for your recent supportive posts to me, including those who don't usually post here, including nairnred.

    Love to all of you. Wish I had time for more detailed replies.

  • Nice to hear from you, Diane:  a virtual hug is on its way and some of your "healing energy" is being returned, which you usually send to us.

  • Rosy:   Thanks for your good wishes.  I know what you mean about the peas....  we freeze lots of peas as my OH grows them at the allotment. When they escape from their bags, they do rattle around a bit in the drawer, don't they?!

    The bags are all packed.  slight interruption from sis-in-law on her way to taking her granddaughters to dancing class - after Awful Cousin left, she found all her medication and vitamins on the kitchen table!!  Doubt if she can get her witches broomstick out just now and fly back for them.... she will just have to have high blood pressure until Sunday!

  • Morning all:  

    Margo: Hugs to you dearie.

    Diane: Good job hugs are in good supply as am sending more to you.

    Heather: Am I wrong or has your OH's hearing loss got a lot worse of late?

    Lindybird: OH and I were on a (freebie-with-the-job) cruise some years back and on dress-up nights, we ate in the buffet to avoid all the formality.  But I too have basic black pants and tops for when I have to look more respectable than usual.  Is it only a year since Awful Cousin last visited?  Do you think she'll do it again next year? If so, better get contingency plans in place now.   If I miss you tonight, do have a wonderful time and takes lots of photos to share.  :-)

    OG: Congrats on the newsletter (hope it won't prove to be too stressful in the future) and enjoy the fiddle and squeezebox!

  • DIANE- how good to see you. Thank you for taking time to talk to us when you have so much on your plate. Cyber hugs galore winging their way to Indiana xxx

    ANNETTE- Yes, a sudden deterioration in OH' s hearing accompanied by balance problems which are new to him. We have been hoping it was an infection or similar but things aren't improving. He can't hear anything much. He does hear loud noise at times but can't say what it is. A helicopter passed over the house yesterday, very low and noisy and he couldn't hear it.

    LINDY- in my head (!) you leave on 3rd October. Have I got it wrong?

  • HEATHER   my bro has been hard of hearing since childhood. So bad that at one point a school for deaf people was talked about by the school authorities. Anyway he has got by and I have learned to raise my voice when talking to him.  He wears 2 hearing aids, but i do feel there are times when he doesn't really hear what is being said and just pretends that he does.   Sorry that your OH is obviously in a much worse state and hope things can be done to help.

    LINDY   Have a great time and I am sure you will look lovely whatever the situation.

    Loads of skeins of geese flying over in the last couple of days. It is a lovely sight and sound.

  • Hi DIBNLIB- We will have to get on with it, it is a big loss for him and I suppose at his age (85) it isn't easy to learn new skills like lip reading. But he is munching away on a creme brulee with rasps on the side and watching TV via subtitles. Chocs beside him. Life could be a lot worse. It's just that he can't see that, yet.

  • Heather:   We leave tomorrow!!  Crack of dawn, so this will be my last message for now.  I'm not taking any "devices" for WiFi, so will not be in touch until we come back.  I'm sure everyone will be glad when I've gone and stop banging on about it, LOL  ;-)

    Take good care of yourselves, especially Diane and Margo.