WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 2016

Hope the new week is kind to all...

Lindybird: How distressing for your friends who moved to a town house. My sister and BiL have a lovely house in the country but are thinking they should be closer to services/family - all in Bucks - and are very concerned about the options.

Lynette: Was this your former family home that's listed and has been in limbo for a year? You mention a landlord who went broke....

Hot here these last couple of days and more to come, but still, we've had a nice summer. Got my "project" table in from the garage tonight with an eye to starting on the dreaded sorting and culling of photos taken over the last - um - decade.

It was granddaughter's birthday today. She went out with her coworkers last night but didn't have a great time. She now works with people in detox treatment and apparently saw too many party types throwing back the booze who reminded her of her clients.

Anyway, best thoughts for all for the coming week.

  • I take that last remark back!  Went out with the laundry and found my sedums just opening.  They're under a tree, so are often a bit slow.

    I've had a good day, so far, getting things done. But lots of interruptions!  Two people at the door selling stuff, in spite of our sign saying we don't buy, plus a phone call from India telling me that my pc was malfunctioning..... told him that it was probably because we don't have any electricity.......

    Off to look at AQs pics - glad you enjoyed yourselves, AQ. Don't get too wet!

  • Ha ha,LINDY. I have had two calls a day for a week, now. A gentleman with an Indian accent but with a very British sounding name. He or they say they are from Sky TV billing department and I am due a refund. Amount varies from £107 to £200. We should maybe getting a phone that only accepts calls from numbers we identify. Telephone preference service does not block the nuisance calls that we are getting. Has anyone on here got an idea?

  • LINDY/HEATHER    I had a call a few weeks ago to say that there was a problem with our PC. I said I wasn't aware of this and put the phone down. Nothing heard since! I wonder why.

  • Heather - I looked into a call blocking phone a long time ago. You can get these, or a gadget which you plug in en route to your connection, but they can only be used if you are with BT or similar, who provide a number ID for calls.   But we're with Virgin on a cable system, so no go! :-(

  • LINDY We are with BT so will look into it. Now another thing to think about. Our big foodmixer blew up a  couple of months ago. Need to replace it. It was a K. Many years old. Earned its keep and then some! We don't eat much cake these days but grandchildren do, so must keep going!

  • We're OK. Yesterday's storm knocked out entire state electricity system at 3.48 pm. It hit 3 transmission lines & 22 towers. Our power restored after 5 & half hours. Some country area will be waiting til today. Thank goodness we have gas stove & hot water, tho' I had to change menu for dinner which we ate by candlelight. Who said it is romantic? chasing peas in the half dark? LOL. Warning of further storms, gales, floods today.

    I forgot to tell you I have over recent days posted my pics of Bungaree church on flickr. And today another lonesome church!

  • Oh, they're really sad, those lonesome churches!

    Glad you're OK, just chasing peas......

  • I chased a pea around my plate...

    I said "I'll catch you, just you wait!

    Don't think you'll hide behind the spuds

    -- We're not two squirrels in the woods.

    I ran my fork both up & down

    I searched amongst my turkey crown,

    But had to admit, with a puzzled frown

    A lonesome pea had me beat,  hands down!

  • Evening all:

    Lindybird:  Oh dear, I've visions of your SiL choking down cornflakes while being force-fed photos of distant and unknown relatives.  Oddly enough - or even more oddly - a good friend of mine came to stay a while back and brought envelopes of photos of her uncles, aunts, cousins, etc.. etc. - many of them dead -  to show me!!  I was quite mystified - I'd only met her father once decades ago - but assumed she must've had had a real need to share. And I have another friend who'll start a story, then disappear down a maze of tangents about the main character's ex-husband, his parents, somebody else's wife and kids and all their problems!    Talk about eyes glazing over....  Cute pea verse - and so true. I've found errant peas (almost fossilized) hiding in various corners of the kitchen or squished into the tile (easier to spot!).

    AQ: Hope you managed to corral the peas - maybe baked potatoes a better bet?  Those 50- and 100-year-storms are getting a little frequent. 

    Best to all for a good Thursday.

  • Good Morning. Dry here, and brightening as it gets light.

    My poor OH had a long day out. He took his Awful Cousin all the way to Llandudno on the N. Wales coast. He told me that he drove extra slowly, so as to spin it out as much as possible! They drove along the promenade there but were unable to park and walk along it, as there were still so many holidaymakers. Then they drove up The Orme to admire the (windy) view. He took her for lunch, then drove the long way slowly home!