WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 18 2016

And it's a new week. 

Check the last page of last week's thread for Lindybird's "Ode to a (Dirty?) Kitchen"   :-)

  • DIBNLIB - Sorry to read about plumbing incident - amazing how far water travels, but you seem to have it all under control.

    Lovely sunshine again.  Blood tests this morning, all out to dinner and Gypsy Jazz tonight.  Hope to be on here this afternoon.

    Meanwhile, prayers for those who so badly need them.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Walked into the town  this morning, on errands. Beautiful weather here, with blue skies and sunshine which lit up the berries on the Ash trees: they all seem to be laden with redness this year. 

    Some phone calls around the family, organising ourselves as Awful Cousin flies in today. Each member is doing a little to entertain her, so that no one person is burdened by her too much!  

    I remember Annette saying that maybe my OH could turn a deaf ear to her constant chatter -- we have jokes amongst the family as she is always saying "Right?!" after a statement, so possibly her husband was guilty of not listening!!!

  • LINDA - puzzled by "berries" on "Ash trees" not the first time you mentioned them.  Remember my mother referred to Rowan as "Mountain Ash" -so are these Rowan Trees?

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Diane did arrive safely in Lafayette yesterday.  I'm sure some of you were as worried as I was about her driving an unaccustomed distance in her present stressed and tired condition.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • OG -- We always refer to them as Ash trees, but I think they're correctly Mountain Ash.

    Just Googled them and found that Amazon, of all places, are selling them, described as "Mountain Ash (Rowan) Trees!"

  • OG reminded me that I was going to put up some photos again today:  we took a walk along the coast near to Nefyn in Wales, on a dry morning.

    Here is the view of the sea when walking above the old slate works there:  I love the way the sea is different colours of blue on different days.

    Bonnie found some loose sheep wool on the track, and drove herself crazy trying to eat it but finding it broke into several lumps, which she tried to chase!  But it blew away in the wind.

    It had rained the night before, so the actual land itself was dripping gently down into little ditches at the side of the track:

    In other places there are tiny streams:

    The mountains (nothing like as big as the Snowdonia ones a mile or two away) look down on you:

    I love the heather.   Here is some more, as Bonnie disappears down the winding track:

    And she gambols around in it!

  • When we got back to the car park, Bonnie had to be on her lead, as there were sheep everywhere.  This is a pic of the Loudest Sheep in the Whole of Wales!!   She was bleating so loudly that folks were looking to see if she was all right, but I think perhaps she was just complaining about the cars!

    We put Bonnie in the car and drove down to the cafe, where you can sit and look at the sea whilst you drink your coffee - or in my case, hot chocolate with little marshmallows on top!  Then on the walk back to the car, I stopped to photograph this wonderful Mountain Ash Tree which was absolutely loaded with red berries, beautiful!

  • LINDA - did you know there is a village called Mountain Ash in Wales?  Can't remember exactly where - no time to check it out now as off out with OH & J.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Morning all: Quick look in. Baking brownies among sorting other stuff and must've set the timer wrong coz they definitely aren't done yet.

    dibnlib: Oh bore about the leak. Hope it dries out and can be sorted without replacing too much wallpaper.  Good that your trip went well and you found a good way to get there; also that you had a nice visit with long-lost friends.

    Lindybird: Hmm, Well sounds like your OH might be able to get by on autopilot by just repeating "Right!" to cousin's "Right?" without having to pay too much attention.  You're so right about the different colors of the ocean - when I'm whale counting, I never tire of seeing the different grays, silvers, blues, greens, etc. Amazing - and it's free!

    OG: Thanks for letting us know Diane arrived safely. I think she's only about 35 miles as the crow flies from Lafayette, but driving anywhere when you're upset isn't a good scenario.

    Brownies now done. Have no idea what happened there. Will see how they taste!  

  • Hi to all

    Sorry not much chat from here but thank you all for your news. Kitchen is still awaiting wall tiles. I changed my mind and as a penalty will have to wait four weeks for them :-((  My OH is very miserable, hardly hearing a thing and balance dreadful. I'm on the case. If necessary we will ask for private appointment with ENT. He will be at Audiology Clinic next Monday. If nothing can be done, so be it. But I want to know and sometimes the very elderly don't get the same interest shown in them. Or so I think....