WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 18 2016

And it's a new week. 

Check the last page of last week's thread for Lindybird's "Ode to a (Dirty?) Kitchen"   :-)

  • Margo, I was very sorry to read your post. Words are inadequate, but thinking of you and your sister.

  • Margo, I was sad to read your post.  Cancer is so random and so varied.  I hope your sister gets the treatment she needs to make her life as comfortable as possible.  My thoughts are with you and all your family at this difficult time.

  • Morning all:

    Margo:  Sad news about your sister - so no prior symptoms other than the pain? Write that letter to the doc. Even if it can't change the diagnosis (and wouldn't have made a difference as you say), it will help you feel as if you stood up for her. I forget if she has children. (Don't worry about answering.) Hugs and more hugs to you. 

    Lindybird: Thanks for clarifying hob.  Re Cousin, I can drive but have never driven in the UK and not sure I'd want to try at this point. I'm always impressed by the UK folks who rent cars/RVs here and go all over the country, but maybe they've had experience in Europe. When I'm on visits home, I have to remind myself which way to look when I step off the curb. I'm sure you'll be very busy packing for your cruise and won't be able to accompany OH and Cousin on drive to the Lake District, but if he's like my OH, he'll be able to "switch off" any chattering.  :-)

    AQ: Our local coffee places also make one coffee at a time (of course, I've never arrived with a busload of customers), while Starbucks seems to have an army of baristas.  I Googled that Anglican church but the one that kept coming up was the Mintaro one, which looked pretty (at least through the trees). Target fans use the same posh pronunciation here at times.  How nice - another outing. I tend to be the chauffeur whenever I go anywhere with anyone. I do like driving and the thought of self-driving cars horrifies me!  Will check your itinerary later.

    Not planning a high activity day after the last two. Still, may wield the "orange grabber thingy" to get some oranges off the top of the tree without having to climb the ladder.

    Best thoughts to all.

  • Oh Margo - I am so sorry to hear about your dear sister! I agree that a letter to the Doctor would be appropriate. Maybe it will make him more receptive to his other patients.

  • Margo: I am so very, very sorry about your sister's illness. I wish I could think of something to say that would ease your burden. Know that I am thinking of her and of you. Hugs to you.

  • Diane - Are you back at home now?  I do hope you've had a chance of rest, you must feel deflated now. Is your brother home with his family yet?

  • MARGO - so sorry about the devastating news of your Sister - thoughts and prayers for her - and for you, of course.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Margo - What terrible news of your sister. My thoughts & prayers are with you both.

  • Annette – Which church are you trying to find? If Clare St Barnabas, try scrolling through my flickr pics here

    If Penwortham St Mark’s try this batch

    My pics of Mintaro churches are here


    And if Bungaree St Michael's, I shall let you know when I post those!

  • Happy Autumn Equinox tomorrow, September 22!


    14:21 Universal Time

    3:21 p.m. in U.K.

    10:21 a.m. in Eastern U.S.

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