WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 18 2016

And it's a new week. 

Check the last page of last week's thread for Lindybird's "Ode to a (Dirty?) Kitchen"   :-)

  • Busy day – mostly in the kitchen with food!

    Annette – is it coastal fog that you get this time of year?  We had a fairly ordinary morning, then an amazing summery afternoon.

    AQ – so pleased you enjoyed Sunday so much.  Penwortham UK is a kind of suburb of Preston; the Horrocks family there were big Textile mill owners; actress Jane Horrocks is descended from them, I believe).  Glad the knee held up well!

    Diane – just seen on FB that your bro is now home – I do hope he will manage food and build his strength for chemo.  I hope your Indy city friends will pamper you while you get some rest and regain your strength.

    Linda – we recently had to get a new iron – not sure whether it technically belongs to us or to J as the one which we had to get rid of was his, after ours here gave up!  Bought the new one in the Tefal shop.  How inconvenient that your son needs to visit when you have the holiday clothes on the bed, but it will have been good to see him this evening.  Sorry about Awful Cousin’s rule and reign!  Will you be on holiday when she comes, or will you have to invite her for a meal?

    Heather – glad you are pleased with the kitchen.  We considered an induction hob, but my hands can’t manage touch controls!  Daughter has induction, and the two granddaughters love it.  We had a chicken cobbler tonight – first casserole of the autumn – but I am sure it wasn’t as good as your stovies, yum yum!

    George – good to see your post; pleased you are okay and just busy.  You are such a help to all your family.  Good luck getting your PC and printer to connect!  Have I mentioned that Grandson#2 now lives in Dunfermline?  And our church minister is leaving us and also moving there, so we may be up your way in November.

    Another busy day ahead.  I have a check-up at the breast clinic in the morning,  OH is taking J to check a new mattress in the afternoon and then making up numbers in a quiz team in the evening – he was asked twice on Sunday and declined, then one of the members phoned today to “twist his arm”.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Postscript -  My OH enjoyed his game of bowls but lost by a narrow margin. Apart from a short afternoon game with the Veterans six months ago, he had not played for two years.  He did help the team he was acting for,though, as they won! Then he was pressured to play again next week, but he has several long games of golf booked, so has put his foot down against turning out for the bowls again.

    I've been watching the Closing Ceremony of the Paralympics, as it was on Live, too late at night.

    Goodnight, All.

  • Evening all:

    Heather: What exactly is a hob?  I think we had one in our house in England in the old days, but I'm sure it isn't one of those.  Is it a cooktop (separate from an oven)?  Did you get a self-cleaning oven?  Ah, the UFO problem again (Unidentified Frozen Objects).  Been there, done that.  :-)

    Lindybird: So sorry about Awful Cousin. Assuming she doesn't drive so can't just get a motel/hotel room to lay her head?  Um, also assume too latefor SiL to pretend bathroom is being installed. Oh dear, when is she arriving? Will you and OH be off on your cruise?  I forgot. I use our spare bedroom to lay out clothes for trips too. Now I've even forgotten when you're going. 

    George: Always good to see you. I don't know where your family would be without you to help with various problems.

    OG: Fog is typically a November phenomenon; low coastal cloud that can be very low is Spring/Summer.  Now it's humid with this Mexican event and supposed to be quite warm (normal) this coming weekend.  Is J still looking for his own place?

    Was in the garden all day yesterday and today, but got a lot of tidying up done (does it never end!).  Am ending with a photo (credited) that was posted on our local news channel's website today. There's a big fire at Vandenberg Air Force base, where they launch various rockets. This one is pretty dramatic as the flames approached on of the launch pads.

  • Good Morning. Dramatic pic, Annette.

    A hob is what you'd call a cooktop. These days very popular to have as separate from the oven, which you can then site higher up so more convenient to remove hot food. Unless you are my mother in law, who was persuaded to be modern and have one, but then found it too high up!

    We go away on 1st October, the day after my OH has to drive Cousin up to Lake District to visit some friends. Not possible to take her a day early, which would be more convenient for us, as her friends are away in Tenerife at the moment (probably hoping to avoid her......).  She arrives in our neck of the woods on Friday this week.  She can drive, but never hires a car here but tries to do all of her holiday on the cheap, staying with people as she goes.......

  • Hope everyone, especially Margo, has seen the film clip of the Sika deer on the beach at Poole. Apparently it must have swum over from Brownsea Island.

  • Annette – In country towns, it’s not the variety of coffees so much as the number of coffees ordered. They are so slow as they make . . each . . one . . individually. It is panic if more than 4 people enter the cafe! The churches we visited were Penwortham St Mark’s, Clare St Barnabas’ and Bungaree St Michael’s, all Anglican. And drove past others. We did not visit Mintaro this trip. I don’t think St Peter’s there has regular services. Yes I can recommend the Bakehouse in Main St.

    Target (pronounced by customers with derision as Tar-chay, sort of Frenchified) claim 28 stores in SA. The one near me is not very good, never has anything I want, whether clothes or household stuff.


    Continuing the sad saga of the knitted clowns. A few days ago while Dau was on phone to me, a little voice came on asking “Gran fix it”. It seems that the dog ate a large hole in a clown’s shoe. Such a big hole, I decided it’s impossible to mend, far easier to knit shoe again. What else have I to do with my evenings?


    A flurry of emails & phone calls, resulting in another excursion tomorrow with Chauffeur-Friend. An extension of the area we went last time. If you want to check on us – Blanchetown, Swan Reach, plus teeny weeny extinct places such as Black Hill, Nildottie, Forster.

  • Dear All

    Just popping in to say sorry I have not posted. I am reasonably well but on Sunday we had the most devastating news. As upu know my sister has not been well for the past 6 weeks. During this time she only saw a doctor twice, the rest of the time he was diagnosing over the phone and prescribing various medication for the pain. She gothad a visit last Friday when she was told to keep taking the medication and he woukd chase hospital appointment up yet again. He told her if pain persisted to take herself to A&E. By Saturday she was in so much pain and her OH called an ambulance as by this time she had not eaten for 3 days and was unable to drink any fluids. Had numerous errors rests over the course of Saturday and it was decided she woukd have an endoscopy on Sunday together with a chest x-Ray. Got the the results quickly which did not show anything untoward. The final test was a CT scan. Result came back early evening and it was found that she has lung cancer which unfortunately had spread to lymph nodes in her neck and this was the reason she could not get anything solid down. Ske kept saying she thought she had an obstruction there, Sadly it is inoperable but they did a biopsy yesterday and when the result is known and has been discussed, it will probably mean chemotherapy and possibly radiotherapy to extend her life for a while,

    As a family we are trying to come to terms with this news but it is extremely difficult. Cannot believe that 3 sisters have been diagnosed with 3 different forms of cancer.

    We will be writiing a strongly worded letter to the doctor as we feel that she should not have been left in such severe pain for so long. Appreciate that it would not have made any difference to the final diagnosis but feel she should have got to the hospital sooner so she got appropriate pain relief. May be able to come today while they wait for results of biopsy. At which time she wii find out what treatment she can have to slow things down.

    Sorry cannot reply to posts individually but would like to say I do think of you all and thank you as ever for the support.

    Specal thought to diane and those who have been under the weather.

    Take care.

    Love Margo x

  • Margo --  I'm so very sorry to hear your news - it must have been difficult for you to write your post, and also I know how much you love and worry about your dear sister {{HUGS}}

  • MARGO - How very sad for you and the family. Sending love from here xx

  • I still read although don't always have time to comment but felt I had to respond to you Margo and such devasting news. Cancer is such an awful disease and nothing I can say is going to make it any better for you or your family but please know you are in my thoughts.