WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 18 2016

And it's a new week. 

Check the last page of last week's thread for Lindybird's "Ode to a (Dirty?) Kitchen"   :-)

  • Hi!  Feeling near normal today, so we did go out as planned – lunch at OTB, shopping in Asda, a nosey (and purchases) at new M&S Food Hall near Asda, afternoon coffee at OTB!  J is also feeling better (no headache) and returned to work – and did some CBT after work and came home sounding fresher than usual (caffeine in cold remedy works wonders!)

    Heather – Project Manager is a professional title, you know, but of course most women have the skills required!  No wonder you are tired: maybe your family can help clear up after the work is complete – they borrow your kitchen enough!  Sorry about your OH’s fall – I hope he doesn’t have any bruises making a late appearance.  Sorry his balance is getting worse – have they looked into the possibility of Labyrinthitis?  I too have been wondering about George’s absence; I hope he is okay.

    Annette – I wasn’t too bothered about missing Saturday as we have other chances to hear the Trio (bass player is from this area, so they come here often); also, we have a lot of other events coming up very soon, starting with Lockerbie Jazz Festival this coming weekend.

    Linda – another holiday?  Wow!  Hope you can keep those shoes under control!  Lost post this morning was a first for me – but annoyed at myself as I did it twice.  Now using Word to make sure I have this one safe!  I hope your neighbours will be nice people, and the children not too noisy!

    Day at home tomorrow – OH haircut, but hairdresser comes here for that.



    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Evening all: Thick fog first thing, followed by lovely sunshine, followed by humid windy cloudy and possibly stormy weather en route from Mexico. Off to the gym soon.

    Heather: Getting out of bed a very popular time for wobbly types to topple over; maybe suggest OH takes a minute or two, if he's able, to let his ears get organized (but you'd know more about that than I).  My OH can match colors, but has a preference for white socks, which send me into fits now and then, especially when he hikes his jeans up around his waist.  :-((   Any  updates on jobs with the kids?  Assume the kitchen guys will do some kind of clean up/vacuuming?

    Lindybird: Wonder if the young couple comes with any appendages...

    OG: Good you're all fully functioning, or close to.   

    Still wondering how AQ's day out went, plus holding best thoughts for Margo and Diane (I hope she remembers her way home after all this and that no critters have moved in).

  • Sorry I hadn't checked in. I had a great day Sunday but felt too lazy to type yesterday. I'll come back later.

  • Annette: My brother is due to be discharged tomorrow morning, unless the docs change their minds again. He is going home to his wife and kids and will receive hospice care.

    So unless I stay in Indianapolis and visit my friends here, I will be returning home. I actually am worried about what critters may have managed to find their way into the house when it was dark and empty!

    I will post on this thread when I get back. Hello to everyone!

  • Diane - Great news that your brother can go home. {{{HUGS}}}

  • Bus trip to Bungaree in Clare Valley was more interesting than I expected, considering I had been to most places before. First stop Auburn for morning coffee. These country towns are not used to 40 people descending and wanting cappuchino, skinny latte, long black, double strength cappuchino, weak latte, etc, not to mention cup or mug (larger) or takeaway. And then some wanted cake. Alas, as it was Market Day, cafe had no cake, only damper (savoury). I took my takeaway latte and wandered the stalls of local olives, honey, jam, chutney, books, handicrafts and no cake, only damper! It didn’t bother me, I was waiting for lunch. Auburn was birthplace of Aussie poet C J Dennis. Have you heard of “Songs of a Sentimental Bloke”? A sample:-
    ‘Er name's Doreen… Well, spare me bloomin' days!
    You could 'a' knocked me down wiv 'arf a brick!
    Yes, me, that kids me self I know their ways,
    An' 'as a name fer smoogin' in our click!
    I jist lines up an' tips the saucy wink.

    Next a drive through Watervale, past churches & an early boarding school (now a B&B). Next Penwortham, to the little St Marks’ church where the service was underway, so I only captured the porch window. While most visited the cemetery to see Horrocls grave, I carefully walked back down hill to bus. John Ainsworth Horrocks, an early SA explorer, was the first to realise the usefulness of camels in our arid land. In 1846, exploring 100km north of present-day Port Augusta, he was injured when his camel moved while he was reloading his gun. Brought back to Penwortham, he died 3 weeks later. We stopped to inspect Horrocks’ restored cottage.

  • The weather was kind to us, it rained while we were driving, with a few spots of rain when out and about. When the sun came out, the flowering canola was glorious. We saw crops of wheat, peas & fava beans, looking green & lush after the heavy rain we’ve had. Creeks & rivers flowing, dams full and large puddles along the roadside.

    On to Clare, the main town in the Clare Valley. A drive around to see historic buildings, then to the Anglican church which to my delight was open. A small cemetery in the grounds. I restricted my walking, not knowing how I would last the day. Bus took us down to the main street, where we descended on the bakery for lunch. As much as I would have liked to explore, I rested for most of the lunchbreak. It was great to catch up with fellow-travellers whom I had not seen for so many months


    Back on the bus and off to the main reason for the day – a guided tour of Bungaree, originally a sheep station – they had 100,000 sheep by 1880s - but now diversified into crops, cattle, deer and tourists. The first talk was in the tiny Anglican church built 1864 on the property to save the 100 workmen & their families having to drive horse & buggy 1½ hours into Clare for Sunday services. Next, passing former workmen’s & shearers quarters, managers house, etc, we visited the huge woolshed. Finally we walked past the 2-story homestead, through the front garden (parklike) , past the blacksmith shop, chaff shed, etc to the station store. Then the long drive home, coming through the city just before they closed the road for the Chinese Moon Lantern Festival. From the bus we had a good view of Elder Park & the lantern decorations. My knee survived the day very well. There were a few complaints from some wimpy muscles about walking and climbing bus steps LOL. As I said I just felt so lazy yesterday.

  • Evening again: Lovely yoga class. Muggy evening here but oh well...

    Diane: Wonderful to see you on here - seriously!  Do take some time to relax if you can - maybe your friends in the city will make a fuss of you. Let them. You deserve it. Will be great to see you back on here. I was thinking of you with last week's Harvest Moon, which OG mentioned and which you typically alert us all to.

    AQ: Lazy in your case is good!  Hadn't heard of C J Dennis - and think I may need an interpreter ("smoogin in our click?"). Oh my, creeks and rivers flowing, dams full? How wonderful. So glad you were able to go and enjoy yourself. I will have to visit those places on Google Earth.  Smiled at the vision of a busload of city types looking for lattes and cappucinos.  :-)

    Have a good Tuesday everyone.

  • AQ: Just "drove" through Watervale and saw a sign in the window of the Watervale General Store (and Post Office!) reading "Real coffee," so I can see how an order for a cappucino might throw them!  :-)  Like the looks of St Mark's church - through some trees. Looks very traditional. Was that Anglican Church in Mintaro?  But OMG! A Target store on the main drag through Clare! Wait till I tell all my friends who whine about the fact that we don't have one here in Santa Barbara! Seriously though, there are some nice looking older buildings there; looks like quite the metropolis. Was it the Bake House that you stopped at?  A lovely trip. Thank you.  :-)

  • Good Morning.  A bit cloudy here today. 

    Good to see a post from Diane, who must be wondering how things are at home after her absence. Good that your brother is going home Diane.

    Lovely descriptions from AQ of her interesting bus trip the other day. Glad the knee is none the worse, AQ! and you were able to potter around some of the locations.

    I read everyone's posts yesterday but was too tired to post, after a day in which I had several errands all of which took frustratingly long to complete. Finally got my (mended) sunglasses from the Opticians, after two visits in one day and an almost one hour wait, whilst my OH had to move the car because we'd overstayed our car park stop. Thank goodness for mobile phones! Have also bought a new iron as my old one blew up - oh, joy!