Hallo all. Off to eat pizza and drink wine. Back later.
Lindy - love the birthday pics. She is a cutie!
Lindybird: I could use one of those bibs here - I found an onion strand draped on the edge of the couch tonight, courtesy of my OH. Two days after I had to spray what looked like a chocolate spot!
Good Morning, All. Rather grey here again, but still pretty warm.
Thinking of Brenda and her family as her d.in.law sees the Consultant today, and of course Diane, who is still with her brother in the hospital.
Will be thinking of Brenda and all the family as her daughter-in-law sees Consultant.
Dentist in an hour - yuk - such a rude man. OH will have to come in to help me get onto the chair - will be interesting to see if he moderates his attitude and language with him there!
Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!
I had a dentist like that in my teens - I wound up in such a state of nerves on one visit I actually kicked him! He was the reason I avoided the dentist for 13 years after leaving school.
Our herring gulls are red listed birds. Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.
Lindy and Annette, I once worked with a psychiatrist who had several children. They had a bib like your granddaughter's (sweet photos). Whoever made the most mess at the previous meal, had to wear it for the next one. It was usually him!
Also thinking of Brenda's family.
OG Poor you, that is totally unacceptable, can't you change dentists.
Lovely morning, but not quite so nice now. Good swim earlier.
Don't think I can catch up three days in an afternoon, so won't even try!
All good wishes for BRENDA's family, through good and bad.
Hope MARGO has a good weekend of foodie outings.
DIANE and her Brother and family never out of my mind.
Dentist was better behaved today; got to have two fillings - one very small, the other "hopefully" small. Not till November - and I don't mind having them as his dentistry is better than his personality! OH is booked for a lot of complicated stuff, including a metal denture plate (his current plate spends as much time being mended as it does in his mouth) but some crowns have to be sorted first.
J is off work with a really bad cough and headache - he slept all morning, but is now sitting reading. I hope he will be recovered enough for Supper and Concert in Langholm tomorrow evening - Tim Kliphuis Trio (Gypsy Jazz).
OH out shopping, but hoping to complete mowing later in the afternoon. Very little rain here overnight, and back to warm and sunny.
Five Goldfinches this morning increased to seven outside the study window now! BTW, we have a leucistic Starling around - very white face and throat, and light colour in general.
Best wishes to all.
DIBNLIB - accessibility and affordability make this the last available choice of dentist!