WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 11 2016

Hallo all.  Off to eat pizza and drink wine. Back later.

  • LINDY   wonderful to see the skeins of geese flying over. They are really quite a sight....and sound.

    HEATHER   glad things are progressing on the kitchen front.

    MARGO    you are sounding good, hope it keeps up.    Benson almost back to normal, thank you.

    Not long back from swim and coffee with a friend. Need to do a bit of tidying up in the garden, before a walk with another friend and her dogs. Actually one if the dogs belongs to her daughter, though she spends most of her time with my friend. Daughters dog is a cross patterdale/cocker called "Hippo" and friend has a Boxer. More trees down in the wood since the winds a few days ago. Luckily they can be climbed over and got under.

  • OG    Trying to remember if you had some connection with "The Old Mill Inn" at Brodie. I am asking because that is where my friends stayed on Monday night.

  • DIBNLIB - very remote connection and getting more remote as time goes by - it is owned by the family (parents and sister) of our Daughter's ex-husband!  Although I suppose it sounds less remote if I say "the other Grandparents of my Grandsons"!  But actually they are currently trying to sell it.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Margo - Good to hear such a great report from you, also that you are getting out and about again.   Take Care x

  • Thanks for the link, Mike - I only just found the time to investigate dibnlib's remarks.

    What a beautiful ship she is, when the sails are up!!  Loved the website, and the info.

  • As others have said, what a wonderful sight it is to see ducks or geese flying overhead:  I just love them, and in particular the way they seem to have a constant conversation.  I was interested to hear on a TV programme that they are often in formation and travelling as a family, that is, the parents and offspring together.  Perhaps that explains the loud noises!  "Are we there yet?!"  LOL!!

  • Friend came straight from work so didn't have the dogs with her. We enjoyed an hours walk anyway, though surprised friend came as she has recurring knee problems and was limping pretty badly. She said she really enjoyed the walk anyway, so just hope she doesn't suffer for it tomorrow.

  • Nice that you could still go together anyway, dibnlib. What is the weather like there this afternoon?  Its been really warm and sunny here, with none of the predicted showers.

  • Morning all:  Heard about the Bake Off debacle on our NPR station this afternoon. What a shame. I really enjoyed that show and thought they did a fab job - easy going and fun but a bit of the devil too. Boo hiss.  Saw some pretty impressive images of the storms some of you had on the BBC website.  

    Lindybird: Just saw the Lerwick cam and tall ship.  And yes, "gentle" is the word for Bake Off, a quality lacking in so many shows that seem to be full of special effects, noise and general blather.  

    Heather: Good that the kitchen is coming along nicely.  I had to Google "integral table", which told me it was something to do with calculus; added "kitchen" to get the real story, but even then....  It seems to be an extended counter top to eat at (here they were called "breakfast bars" or something similar I think). Very popular a few decades back.

    Rosy:  How nice to provide gardeners with coffee.

    Margo: So good to read you're feeling well and that OH has been offered part-time work; good for him and nice for you to know he's keeping his hand in.  Hope the weather is nice for Friday drive to lunch. Bothersome for your sister - my sister was in pain for ages with what she thinks was gallbladder grumbling, but it seems to be more intermittent than constant now. She sees her doc in another week. Odd that the cause is hard to pinpoint after she's had so many tests!  Still smiling at house.  :-)  Will give the dust another few days...

    OG: Any more news from Diane?

    All okay here. Put the finishing touches to my freelance assignment and will get that off on Friday at the latest. Gym this afternoon...

    Take care all.

  • Well done on both having a clean house, and finishing your assignment at the same time, Annette :-)