Hallo all. Off to eat pizza and drink wine. Back later.
Well, one slice of pizza and one glass of wine too many, but it was so good and such a rare treat.
Lindybird: Wallpaper? And with all those doors. Bravo for you and OH. I'm not even sure I want to deal with paint anymore.
Clare: Those are lovely shots; Minsmere seems like such a lovely serene place. Costa del Minsmere! :-)
Heather: I think practical problems tend to have more predictable solutions whereas we're often less able to influence family issues, etc. Not that I'm a control freak or anything. :-)
Very best thoughts for a better week for all (and a special hallo to any lurkers out there).
ANNETTE thanks for starting the new week.
Really beautiful morning. Off to church so hope it is blue sky later.
We have made contact with ex RAF colleagues who now live in Cirencester. We will see them next Sat when we drive from Bristol to Abingdon. Last seen 33 years ago.
Thank you for starting the week, Annette. I can't have you talking to yourself, although I know it is the middle of the night for you now!
I have just been watching Pete's Pond. Than you Lynette, for bringing it to our attention. I have been to Botswana, and it brings back happy memories. It was wonderful.
I also liked your Minsmere pics, Clare.
Hope everyone has a good week, especially those with health or other problems.
Happy new kitchen, Heather.
Thanks for reminding me about lurking Annette! It has been too easy with the last few weeks we have had to go and bury my head in the sand and forget the world. The notable good thing is that last Thursday we obtained Grant of Probate, so the pressure is off. Holiday in the Cairngorms was good in that we were away from home for a while with the grandchildren for two weeks. Unfortunately my carer role has now increased and we are now looking at a hoist for our bedroom in an attempt to ease all OH's straining transferring to bed. I had to get an emergency appointment at our surgery as I have been having breathing problems. Dr. confirmed what I suspected, a diagnosis of asthma, which I have to learn to live with as well as caring. Intriguingly when I did some research I discovered it is inherited and my father developed it around about my age, something I had never considered. Never mind it is a glorious sunny day here and off round the corner later to our local for Sunday lunch. A full roast for £6, not worth cooking one. The weather in Scotland was the best we have had for three years so we did get a few trips out and managed to do a couple of things that were on our bucket list.
Our thoughts are with all those suffering problems at the moment. Some certainly put ours in a different perspective.
Sorry about unknown user name, I have had to revert to an earlier older one as it did not like my original one, so for Keith G read ForestBoar!!!!
Hi Keith!!!
Just posted the above, then went back to read your longer post, Keith. Your stay in the Cairngorms must have been a tonic. Sorry to hear about the asthma.
That Sunday lunch sounds a bargain!
Just had another email from RAF friend. His OH had to remind him that they have a wedding to go to next weekend and will be away, so no meeting up on Sat after all. Maybe another alternative, I'll ask OH when he comes in from work in 30 mins or so.
Hello, all - and thanks to ANNETTE for the new thread. Not a lot going on this weekend, yet time is getting filled with "this and that"! Weather has been good for OH to finish the decking treatment which he started before our last trip away!
Garden is looking very "autumnish" now - he has cleared the peas and courgettes which stopped producing, but the runner beans, potatoes, beetroots and tomatoes are still excellent. Lawns have benefitted from last week's autumn feed followed by rain - the grass is actually green all over now.
I have made more birthday cards, so will be able to concentrate on Chr* cards now - just made two prototypes so far.
Haven't heard from DIANE for a couple of days, so I assume she is getting a rest and still awaiting her brother's latest biopsy result.
Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!
Good evening, all. Limpy and I had a nice day at Minsmere today - if you click on the photo you'll see some more:
Our herring gulls are red listed birds. Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.