I was going to say Have a good week all, but I know some of us are going through bumpy times right now, so will just send hugs and encouragement to everyone in those circumstances.

Rained here this morning, bright and breezy this afternoon. Did a lot of garden work and now enjoying an early glass of wine - as they say "The sun is over the yardarm - somewhere!"

Take care all.

  • That's a comfort, Dibnlib.   It's far worse when they are far away from you - we had a bad enough time with both of our mothers, and they were local.


    We had such a super day when we were in Wales recently:  here are some pics which you might like to see.

    We rode over the famous bridge, and headed Northwards, past Beaumaris,  to the very tip of the island, where you can see a tiny bird filled island offshore, and the shadow of the mainland in the distance. The first thing you see is the small Lighthouse:

    Then you look at the small Puffin Island - they often take boat trips around it for visitors, but no one lives there but the birds:


    I zoomed in on the right hand shore, looking for Puffins! but there are none at this time of year.... just other seabirds

    Lighthouse & island together:   If you squint, you can see a small pleasure boat between them:

    There is a small cafe there, where weary travellers can get a nice cuppa and a slice of home made cake - we just had some tea!

    Bonnie ran about on the shingely beach -------- lots of interesting smells:

    Others were walking their dogs and so she made some friends, and small children were excited by the "doggie!" This chap was fishing:

    here is the left hand side of Puffin Island, peopled by lots of small birds:

  • More:  Off to the left was a more sandy beach, but no one on it that day except dog walkers, as it was a cold wind!

    On the way back from our visit, we looked across a bay and saw one of the old mines - there are many on the island, mostly tin mines, I think:

    Views of the mainland, including the impressive bluff of The Great Orme at Llandudno, in the far distance:

  • Further on, we found a rock with a lone cormorant on it, preening.  Then I noticed that there was a smaller juvenile, below:

    It hopped onto the smaller rock: Then another appeared in the water -

    Both looking up at Mum, above:

    "How did you get up there, Mum!?"

  • LINDY    lovely pics, thank you.

    Off for a wet haircut in 5 mins. That will make me feel better.

  • Good afternoon – cloudy here, very warm and humidity over 90%, so everyone feeling rather sluggish!  OH been cleaning, hoped to spike lawns after lunch and then spread autumn feed, but it drizzled.  I have been doing odd jobs, but also some birthday cards (all for men, so difficult to find inspiration!)

    AQ – pleased knitted dogs are finished, and that you can deliver them yourself – but take care around the young ones.  It must be almost 30 years since I could kneel in church – left knee osteoarthritis was preceded (and probably hastened) by an injury.  Good to see that you have booked a first bus trip; gentle preparation and, as you say, care while you are there, and you should be okay – rest the next day even if you feel good, so you don’t prolong any hidden strains on the knees.

    Annette – sorry no nap, but pleased that you have good neighbours overall.  That Morrison’s store was built as a Safeway, taken over by Morrison and then extended about ten years ago.  We have several favourites among their groceries, and like their vegetables and salmon.

    Linda – have a good afternoon with Friend – seems a while since you had a good “natter”: probably your turn to put the world to rights!  Have just enjoyed looking through your Anglesey photos, which brought back memories of a camping holiday there.

    Clare – Maths, Science and Statistics – wow!  I was good at Maths, but couldn’t get my head around Stats, even at uni!  I hope Helen will enjoy the college course.

    Dibnlib – I hope the haircut will cheer you up – and it does look as if you are having good weather today!

    Now got to decide what to do this afternoon, which will include preparing dinner and getting it in the oven.  Might get started making Christmas cards – I see they are in the shops – in fact even saw decorations in one shop last week!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • OG   glorious here today and yes, having my hair cut does cheer me up.   The customer before me was my neighbour directly over the road, so we had a blether.

    CLARE  hope Helen will enjoy the childcare course and will get great results in English 2nd time round.

  • OG   It is a glorious day, Benson will not be getting his 2nd walk till evening in this weather.   Feel much better after haircut.

    CLARE   Hope Helen enjoys her childcare course and sails through English 2nd time round.

  • Oops sorry, thought it hadn't posted so tried again.

  • Dear All

    Was hoping to come on and say we have been out and about enjoying meals. I an feeling reasonable OK a week on from the transfusion but unfortunately my sister, who has not been well for nearly 4 weeks, was rushed into hospital last Friday morning with chest pains. After lots of tests and an ECG they could not find any problems but  did say it could be a hiatus hernia which can present as heart attack symptons. They kept her in until Sunday so that they could monitor her. Was discharged Sunday evening with pain killers to help. I am annoyed that her surgery doctor tried to diagnose the problem over the phone. She only saw the doctor once who changed her medication for about the third time and told her it should work. She is now waiting for an appointment for an endoscopy which has been requested as urgent. I know she is worried that it may be something more serious. Consequently have been up to see her yesterday and this morning. Hoping that her appointment will come through quickly. She is supposed to be going away to Cornwall for a few days later this month but not sure she will be well enough.

    diane you are constantly in my thoughts at what must be a harrowing tome for you all

    Dibnlib so sorry yout Mum is having peaks and troughs and you saw her in the latter. Pleased you were able to her a little better and she is getting the appropriate care.

    AQ good to read that you are not on nanny duty and hopefully the knitted dogs will not cause any arguments as to which dog each one will have. Your treats sounded very yummy. You must be looking forward to your bus trip but do take care beforehand so you able to enjoy.

    Heather sorry about  OH's glasses but at least they got fixed for now. I am amazes he is still climbing up ladders! No wonder you watched from a distance probably with your heart in your mouth. Good to hear Callum's birthday party went well.

    Clare sorry your year has not been the best so far but I do hope Hellen will enjoy her course and catch up with her English.

    OG you defiinitely do sound a lot better and packing  a lot in each day. You mentioned a Blue Grass concert that you are not able to see. we are going to see a Group soon as long as I am well enough. Have to be honest and say Christmas is far from my mind . Something that I used to enjoy like my Sister and I doing our mad shop every year.

    Annette we have a play park next to us, not overly noisy but when children are playing  football and you get the thuds each time they kick the ball. Not allowed to to play football in the evenings and I always think that they are not doing any harm elsewhere as so often happens.

    Lindybird  sounds as though you had a great day at the weekend and having trouble free journeys must have been a bonus. Thanks for the lovely photos from your last visit to Wakes, they are stunning.

    OH is out doing a bit of shopping, as ever he is just amazing.

    Take care all.

    Margo x