I was going to say Have a good week all, but I know some of us are going through bumpy times right now, so will just send hugs and encouragement to everyone in those circumstances.
Rained here this morning, bright and breezy this afternoon. Did a lot of garden work and now enjoying an early glass of wine - as they say "The sun is over the yardarm - somewhere!"
Take care all.
OG: Thanks for the update. So worrying and really hate to think of Diane going through this without even being able to go home. Awful.
Thinking of dear Diane at this worrying time.
Diane thinking of you and your brother constantly. Hugs to you.
ANNETTE I finished the latest "Inspector Banks" a few days ago. I enjoyed it, hope you do too. They are running a series of Banks here on STV. They are 2 parters and tonight it is part 2/2. There are 2 more 2/2s to come. Oh joy.
LINDY Annette reminds me, I heard lemon barley water was good for UTIs.
DIANE thinking of you and your family.
Thanks for mention of lemon barley, and cranberry juice: I know about these, having been rather prone to UTIs for many years. I used to get problems whenever I went to warm climates, however much water I drank. I even took cranberry with me to take daily, in the form of pills. Whether this helped, I don't know, as sometimes I was fine and other times I wasn't. Recently, it has been announced that cranberry as a preventative is unproven < shrug >
Anyway, I hadn't had a problem for at least three or four years until recently. My Doc has taken my sample to get a culture of it, & try to find out what ails - meanwhile she's given me a different kind of antibiotic.
We are hoping to go off to Wales tomorrow afternoon, so I'm hoping that I'll be alright!
LINDA - hope you can go, will be well while you are there, and have a good time!
Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!
Lindy hope you can get away and will feel better soon. Safe journey to you.
Thank you both!
-- I feel a lot better already, so that' s good.
dibnlib: I remember barley sugar for travel sickness - a multi-purpose remedy! :-)
Lindy: Feel better and have a lovely time in Wales.