Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 28 August 2016


Just to cheer everyone: Here are some cute wild raccoons ("trash pandas") that were playing at the Nature Center at the Turkey Run State Park just down the road from me. There are several pics.

Everyone have a wonderful week!


  • Dear All

    Thanks as always for your thought, knowing I have support from you all really does give me comfort.

    As Brenda mentioned it was a really long day at the hospital. I have never felt quite as unwell I did on Monday. Consultant has now decided that two and a bit weeks is just a little too long so I will now see her every 2 weeks with a transfusion to follow. When I look back I find it difficult to remember what was going on I was so much out of it. I did get a bed but the one vacant room was in a private room with its own facilities overlooking Poole Harbour. I know I slept a lot, no  energy to read or even listen to music. I do feel quite daunted at times with the thought of feeling well will not last but at the same time so grateful that I am so well looked after at the Hospital and also having such a devoted OH to look after me so well at home. He is an absolute hero. I now feel a lot better and we are hoping to get out and about for a few days In the next couple of weeks

    My sister is still not feeling well, has been back to the doctor several times and they are trying to chase up the appointment for an endoscopy. We are both feeling worried I must say.

    Brenda sorry you had more bad news with regard to your neighbours. As you say you have to live every day to the full which I try to do. Has the mole deterrent worked at all yet. I believe they are difficult to get rid of. 

    Lindybird a very  belated Happy Birthday to you. Pleased you had a nice meal and indulged a little. Have so enjoyed all your Tatton Park pictures. I will sat it quietly but pleased Bonnie is calming down a little. She is such a beautiful dog. I have forgotten where you are going on your cruise.i have a friend who is a single lady but loves cruising. Has been to some fantastic places and made many friends. I see you are off to see family this weekend so wish you a safe journey there and back.

    Diane pleased your weather seems to have calmed down a bit. I do hope there will be some progress made with regard to your brother. I am always thinking of you.

    Heather so sorry about the family problems, it seems never ending. It is a shame that your OH is having balance. Upsetting for him that things in the garden are becoming more difficult.

    AQ pleased to see you are getting out and about a little.

    Annette so good to meet with old friends and enjoy a good natter.

    Rosy we also love looking round National Trust properties but it it more difficult now as i cannot walk very far. We do have a wheelchair but not always helpful if we wanted to look at upstairs in the properties. We have Kingson Lacy just a 20 minute drive away which has beautiful gardens.

    Mary you certainly have had some wonderful cruises, I woukd love to go to Alaska.

    Well must go now OH is getting lunch now ready now. Has been out mowing our lawns and says he can't believe how dry they are. Really do need a drop of rain.

    Have a good day and take care of yourselves.

    Margo x

  • Hi Margo - I'm just in the middle of doing the Dreaded Ironing, but noticed your long post.   So pleased to hear that you feel better already, and that they looked after you well in the hospital.  We are going to cruise the Mediterranean, and I will of course take pics and bore everyone with it, afterwards!

  • MARGO - Great to hear that you are feeling well enough to get out and about already. 

    LINDA - Being nosy, are you off on your cruise soon or is it next year :-)   also which ship and what ports of call?  Bet you can't wait!

  • Great to hear you are hoping to get out.... to the Pub Margo!

  • Mary:   We are off in October, and its just for a week. Sorry, but I'd rather not say on this rather public forum where we are going, until we come back!  I'll tell you all about it, then.  We have various friends who cruise often, & who tell us that we have booked a good cruise line and we have done the right thing.  My OH keeps making a face whenever anyone asks him about it:  he's not sure he's going to like it, but is cheered by the thought of all that delicious food. We have booked one or two trips ashore, but are leaving some of the others to decide later and may go ahead just on foot by ourselves, as we don't want every minute action packed.

  • Linda - I understand perfectly well why you don't want to divulge all the details :-)   

    I will look forward to hearing ALL about it when you get back.   I do hope that you enjoy yourselves,  it is not for everyone I know, but we make it work to suit what we like to do and what to avoid, unfortunately its never the food we want to avoid ha ha....   

    It's a wonderful way to visit several different places and only have to unpack once.    Remember and take varying sizes of clothes as the sea air has this uncanny way of shrinking them by the end of the cruise LOL....

  • Morning all:

    MaryGK. Yes, thanks, a good sleep and just in from a walk.

    Diane: Missed the eclipse and now can't get it to play.

    Lindybird: I was wondering about Bonnie, not having heard much lately. Maybe she's finally got you trained not to leave out items with chew-appeal and now has time to loll.  :-))  She is gorgeous; I'd have been hard-pressed to give her up in her early days.  I'm sure you must be cruising to Lerwick (just kidding!) and don't want your every on-shore move recorded by all those webcams. Seriously, we'll look forward to hearing all about it when you get back.

    Clare: Good to see you; hope things are going well for you and Limpy

    Margo: Always a pleasure to see your name when I scroll down the page.  Your OH is indeed a hero and the hospital folks sound lovely. Do hope they can sort out your sister's test soon - seems like she's been waiting for a while..   Hugs to you and OH in the meantime and enjoy your trips out and about. :-)

    Brenda: I also meant to ask you about the mole spike. I bought two new ones when the original started buzzing nonstop. However, our ground is so hard and compacted (apparently the best to transmit the pulses) that it's really, really hard to dig a deep enough hole.

    AQ: Sounds like you're getting out and about more, but beware of jumping back into nanny duty too soon..

    Off to change the world. Take care all.

  • Hmmm. SpaceX rocket explodes on launchpad during pre-launch tests and a 7.1 earthquake hit right off New Zealand's north island.  We had a 2.5 quake here this morning - I thought my OH had bumped into our sliding closet doors....

  • Unknown said:

    Hmmm. SpaceX rocket explodes on launchpad during pre-launch tests and a 7.1 earthquake hit right off New Zealand's north island.  We had a 2.5 quake here this morning - I thought my OH had bumped into our sliding closet doors....

    Annette: I hope you don't have any more quakes! Stay safe and have your go-bag ready, dearie.

    That rocket explosion is intriguing. All SpaceX has said -- as far as I know -- is that there was an "anomaly" on the launch pad "resulting in the loss of the vehicle and its payload." I'm not sure what that means.

    It's a tragedy, because the satellite that was destroyed was going to bring broadband to portions of Africa and the Middle East that don't have connectivity. Sad.

  • Hey, Annette and anyone interested. LOOK AT THIS VIDEO of the rocket explosion. To me, it looks like the upper portion of the craft was either hit by lightning or even some sort of weapon fire. The directed flash happens between 1:11 and 1:12. It's very fast, and you may have to watch twice to see it.

    Edit: I watched again, and it's not lightning, but that flash definitely travelled to the top of the rocket not from the rocket. It's possible that one of the gasses outside the craft ignited. Or maybe lightning caused the gasses to ignite and we're seeing that combustion. I've watched several of these explosions, and I've never seen anything quite like that one. Here's the YouTube link.