Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 28 August 2016


Just to cheer everyone: Here are some cute wild raccoons ("trash pandas") that were playing at the Nature Center at the Turkey Run State Park just down the road from me. There are several pics.

Everyone have a wonderful week!


  • Good Morning, Everyone.  Sunny here again.  My OH has gone off to golf and I have to tidy round and then pack, as we are off tomorrow to visit our Eldest for the weekend as of course, it was little Ambers birthday yesterday, too.

    My Father used to make wine, and when he died we worked our way through his stocks which he had put away under the eaves of their house, as my Mother never drank much and so would never have used it all up. It varied enormously in quality, some almost undrinkable and some good - the best bottles were the Saki, or rice wine.  It took us over two years to drink it all, having a bottle on a Sunday for most weeks!

  • Hope that Margo is recovering alright today, and that it's not too hot for her, there.

    Diane - You don't say how your brother is, but I guess you're waiting for news of his progress. We are all thinking of you.

  • Didn't know about the storm and it's affecting the web cam - thanks for telling us, Diane.

  • Hi, Lindy.

    A "Ring of Fire" solar eclipse is in progress right now, visible in Africa. The Slooh Observatory is showing it from multiple locations HERE. I didn't know if anyone on this thread might want to see it.

  • Oh, thanks, Diane!  

    Just having a coffee break, or in my case, hot choc. in a mug.

    I have to whisper this next thing..... so listen carefully but don't shout!...    I think that Bonnie has finally calmed down just a little.......   She is growing up I suppose, and still goes crazy when we have a visitor, but has given up trying to escape from our garden and only eats things which I am stupid enough to leave out.

    Here are the latest pics:

  • Goodness, Diane - those are great pics of the eclipse... thanks for the heads up!

  • Lindybird said:
    I have to whisper this next thing..... so listen carefully but don't shout!...    I think that Bonnie has finally calmed down just a little.......   She is growing up I supposed and still goes crazy when we have a visitor, but has given up trying to escape from our garden and only eats things which I am stupid enough to leave out.

    I can't tell you how pleased I am to read this - I've noticed less posts about the lovely Bonnie and was hoping things had improved.  Beautiful photos!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Thanks Diane. Just waiting for the eclipse on the Reunion Island. Still a 30 min wait, they say.

    Linda, Pleased to hear good news of Bonnie. She really is lovely.

  • Clare Bailey said:

    I have to whisper this next thing..... so listen carefully but don't shout!...    I think that Bonnie has finally calmed down just a little.......   She is growing up I supposed and still goes crazy when we have a visitor, but has given up trying to escape from our garden and only eats things which I am stupid enough to leave out.

    I can't tell you how pleased I am to read this - I've noticed less posts about the lovely Bonnie and was hoping things had improved.  Beautiful photos!

    [/quote]Well, Clare sometimes its been because she's done such dreadful things that it was too depressing to relate!, so its been swings & roundabouts. She is becoming very affectionate and will put her head on your knee when she wants attention.

    I make no secret of the fact that at times she has driven me to despair.  However, everyone loves her and she does make us laugh a lot of the time!

    EDIT:  And she is good for my OH, who is a doggy person and is lost without one to take for a walk.

  • That was superb to watch, Diane.