Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 28 August 2016


Just to cheer everyone: Here are some cute wild raccoons ("trash pandas") that were playing at the Nature Center at the Turkey Run State Park just down the road from me. There are several pics.

Everyone have a wonderful week!


  • Brenda -  A shock for you all, having such news about your daughter in law. A shame about the miscarriage, but as you say, they might not have known about the tumour otherwise. It sounds as if she has had excellent treatment. {HUGS} to you, and I will be thinking of you all.

    I saw the ships in Lerwick after Mary's post: a coincidence that she's seen one before!

    Been out to my errands, although annoyingly when they fitted my new sunglasses they found a fault and one of the lenses will have to be replaced, so I shall have to go back with them. Grr!

  • Diane -  Laughed about your remark over the pools of water. It wouldn't work here, as there would not be one single property without standing water here in UK whenever it rains!

    Glad you enjoyed the photos.

  • Morning all:  It's gone 5:30 p.m. in the UK, so hope Margo is done with her long day at the hospital and is on her way home.

    Lindybird: Which cruise line are you using and where are you going? Those ships have lots of things to do - or not do - so your OH should be fine.

    Brenda: So sorry to hear about DiL's miscarriage though it's good they've found a potential problem they can sort out now if necessary.

    Diane: Warm yesterday but hot winds didn't materialize, at least in our neighborhood. Supposed to be cooler again this coming week.

    MaryGK: Didn't realize that La Serenissima is also another name for the Republic of Venice.  Apparently the vessel carries no more than 100 passengers, which sounds ideal.Nice interiors too from the website. Looks like it's one one of its Hebridean trips prior to heading to Sicily and environs next month. Sigh...  Lucky you seeing the humpback breach. Breaching is completely unpredictable and serendipitous. :-)   Re traveling/airlines, etc, too bad that "getting there is half the fun" no longer holds true, but is instead more likely to discourage travel.

    I think OG is due back from her Tall Ships holiday;;if so, welcome back OG and let us know how things went when you've had a chance to recover.  :-)

    I'm off to lunch and a putter with friend I haven't seen for ages what with respective family events. We are both looking forward to getting away!

    Take care all

  • The mole spear arrived today and has been duly installed, together with the mole repellant granules spread generously around. Fingers crossed that they work.

  • Thank you for your lovely messages re our D-i-L. Our son rang us this morning. He is obviously so worried and needed to talk while his wife was at work. I spoke to her yesterday and she seemed to be quite anxious that her problems will not interfere with daughter's wedding, which I hope, I quelled.  She really has become our second daughter. Our son met her during his first year at university.

    It has been a beautiful day here. Blue sky and lovely sunshine.

    Diane, Is there any good news about your brother ?

    Annette, Pleased to see that you have time, at last, to spend with your friend. I do think you are right about OG's timetable.

    Linda, Bad luck about your sunglasses. You will definitely need them for your cruise.

    Mary, What wonderful photographs. I always think that you seem to be on holiday/ travelling around most of the time. LOL

  • I think that OG will be home today but don't know when.

    BRENDA- I imagine that your son and his wife will both want to come home - completely understandable.

    Thinking about MARGO and her long day today.

    OH and I are very tired, working in garden for hours. He is very worried about his balance problems and how that will affect his ability to do garden work. He doesn't want to leave this house. We have been discussing solutions.

  • Heather et al. Margo very kindly rang me earlier about our D-i-L, which was so kind of her, after the day she has had. She had to get up at 6am as her first appointment was at 7,30am. They didn't return home until 6pm. Although she was very tired, she survived the ordeal and was already feeling happier this evening. 

  • Just like MARGO, she has a big heart and despite all her problems always feels for the rest of us.

  • Home!

    Lots of your posts need replies - will try later in the week.  Meanwhile, love and prayers for those who need them.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Welcome home OG and EE! We have missed you.