WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY, AUGUST 21, 2016

Evening all;  now popping back to catch up on all your news.

MaryGK: Alaska ferries are definitely for folks who are happy to rough it, sort of.  I wouldn't mind it if I knew I had a comfy hotel near the dock.

BrendaH: Good luck looking for the jacket to go with that dress.   Thanks for news of Margo and OH's doings - great to know they're enjoying themselves.

Heather: Don't think my OH would worry about my disposing of kitchen stuff; on the other hand the garage (which he also doesn't frequent) might be harder to clean out.    Chocolate teapot?  :-))    Cornish pasties - yum yum.

Rosy: Daughter has always had a menagerie (pigs, goats, peacock, horses, dogs, etc.) now it's horses, ducks, dog and floppy-eared bunny.  I just have her ancient cat which caught one bird yesterday and two today!  Pesky puss.  :-(

Hi to everyone else.

  • Dibnlib so love a "puffer" :-)

  • Ooh!  I love Puffers too - thanks for posting the pic.

  • I love that puffer ship, dibnlib!

  • Lindybird - loved the poem.  Pictures are great too especially the sculpture of the horse.

    Didn't get to the gym today as OH felt too tired. Went out to a local pub last night for a meal - celebrating our WA and OH's birthday. This muggy weather leaves you feeling drained whenever you attempt some housework so just doing it in dribs and drabs.  Weather on the whole has been sunny and hot but today overcast with very little sunshine and the odd shower , still muggy.

  • Annette and Diane - keep safe with the extremes of weather you are experiencing at present even if it is a normal occurrence.

    Oh Diane - I bet you could have throttled it.

    Lindy - those latest ones of gardens look so peaceful. Nice to know that they are reinstalling the first one in a Cancer Care Treatment Centre.

  • Lindybird - some more fab pictures from the Flower Show. Those parasols are so pretty.

  • Good evening Everyone,

    Dibnlib, you do seem to have some lovely walks nearby. I like the pic. Looks very peaceful.

    Lindybird. The horse sculpture doesn't do anything  for me, but I can see that it is very clever. I prefer to see flowers. The flower arrangements are interesting. I also like the natural look, but are interested in other folks interpretations of things.

    AQ  Your pavlova has become a real 'conversation piece'. I was also somewhat puzzled, but worked it out.

    Heather,  Not nice for your daughter to have to move into a filthy new home. Not very considerate of the previous owners. Also, sorry about other problems.

    Good luck with the kitchen. Did you manage to get unwanted things past your OH?

    Annette, don't worry about sorting the world today! I did it in the car with two friends on the way to a bowls match. It will probably last until tomorrow, when it will need doing again.

    Glad you are safe, Diane. Exactly how big was your noisy visitor?

    Margo, good to read that you are enjoying being out and about.

    Hello to OG, Brenda, Lynette, and anyone else not mentioned

  • Evening all: Puttery day with daughter; we went to a tiny, tiny town (Los Alamos) not far from her for lunch. There was a group of about 16 young people who'd taken up most of the restaurant (also tiny). Turned out they were from the UK and were on a driving tour of the U.S. West, ending at the Burning Man Festival in Nevada next week. They'd rented two large RVs and I can't imagine how cramped the sleeping accommodations were!  Then another couple came in - from Northampton!  So it was like old home week in this tiny town in the middle of California. A nice day out. Came home and OH and I went out to dinner, which we haven't done for ages.

    Rosy: Thanks for taking care of the world's problems; I'll do my best to keep things on track tomorrow.  :-)

    Take care everyone.

  • Good Morning, All.  Sunny out of the window, here.

    Sounds like a good relaxing day for you, Annette. Those young people probably don't mind being a bit squashed!

    Rosy: I know what you mean - I prefer natural looking arrangements for flowers, but it is interesting seeing what folks come up with when doing it as an art. I love the Flower Show, as you can tell: there are so many kinds of people there and I like talking to the plant growers, the exhibitors and the visitors. Many hundreds of people come to the show and they're of every possible kind - country folk, fashion plates, ordinary people who are passionate about their gardens, female groups on a fun day out. It's fascinating!

    Enjoyed chatting to my Friend yesterday: we did our best to help put the world to rights, Annette and Rosy!

    Sad about the Italian earthquake, such a beautiful area.

    Off to get my haircut today, just a quick trim so that the timing is right for my holiday in October. My OH has gone out on a long golfing day so he's lucky that the weather is fine.

    Have a good Friday, All.

  • It seems I have to sign in every day at the moment. I wonder why.

    No canal walk today as OH is working, so I went for a swim instead. A creditable 54 lengths, 40 is half a mile.   We thought we may go and see round VIV32 tomorrow, when it will have dropped off the passengers and be moored up. Visitors are welcome, no charge but donations welcome. OH saw round it some time ago, when he took the people he supports to see it.

    LINDY   I have loved all your pics. Maybe next year we will get to Tatton Park flower show.