WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY, AUGUST 21, 2016

Evening all;  now popping back to catch up on all your news.

MaryGK: Alaska ferries are definitely for folks who are happy to rough it, sort of.  I wouldn't mind it if I knew I had a comfy hotel near the dock.

BrendaH: Good luck looking for the jacket to go with that dress.   Thanks for news of Margo and OH's doings - great to know they're enjoying themselves.

Heather: Don't think my OH would worry about my disposing of kitchen stuff; on the other hand the garage (which he also doesn't frequent) might be harder to clean out.    Chocolate teapot?  :-))    Cornish pasties - yum yum.

Rosy: Daughter has always had a menagerie (pigs, goats, peacock, horses, dogs, etc.) now it's horses, ducks, dog and floppy-eared bunny.  I just have her ancient cat which caught one bird yesterday and two today!  Pesky puss.  :-(

Hi to everyone else.


    Fare thee well,
    My friend ~ another year is at an end.
    We met, we talked, we whiled away
    Time stood still on many a day.

    For as we watched the sun go down
    The weeks slipped by, as darkness came around
    We never noticed that summer was gone
    That days had merged sometimes into one.

    I will wait here, for your return.
    In my head, our memories will burn
    Of long and lazy days, or of fun -
    We had as much as anyone!

    You worked, you rested
    We talked, we jested:
    One day we'll do it all again
    Together we can forget life's pain.

  • Very 'touching' Linda.

    A beautiful day here, but too hot to sit in the garden. OH just watered all the pots and baskets. I have already got the cold fan blowing in our bedroom.

  • Good poem Lindybird.

    Also lovely pics, as usual. The sheds are a bit whacky! I always like to see people's interpretation of planting flowers, though.

    I love the advice you gave to Heather about the new kitchen- the bit about being like camping out, and then the phoenix arising!

    Heather must be deeply involved in kitchen matters  right now now.

    I see the ospreys are rapidly disappearing. Where has the summer gone?

    The small gulls are back on the boats on the river. Some appeared in July. They usually return in September. I don't know much about kinds of gulls.  The large ones are here all summer.

    I enjoyed reading everyone's news. Best wishes to Diane, Margo, OG, and everyone else not mentioned

  • Hallo all: Just in from postprandial nap in garden, which was interrupted by someone with a pneumatic drill in the  next street, apparently digging up what I know is a very long driveway. A bit like a toothache you can't get rid of.  Looks like a days-long job. :-(

    AQ: Digging into pantry cupboards can be just as alarming as cleaning out freezers.

    BrendaH: I think we've ended Lightning's one source of fun and games by barricading the fountain.  The guys from the pest company told me  not to treatdon the mole's existing tunnels coz it would only dig fresh ones.  I have mixed new/old batteries in my sonar spike so must revisit that this p.m.

    LIndybird:  I like that little Lapland(ian? Lap?) cabin - how about a sauna in it?  Also the one with the creek bed.  Not sure about the kids' one though...or the BFG. Or the stumpery for that matter.  Do like the all-white arrangement though - very cooling in a hot climate.  Nice goodbye poem for Odin - good grief though - they've gone already....

    Diane: That must've been a wretched deadline to meet, what with your brother being so ill. Let's hope your clients are delighted and will send the check ASAP.  I missed the Berlin and the whales.

    Rosy: As I mentioned before, Orb-weaver spiders are showing up in our garden and spinning webs that scan vast spaces - typically across pathways. And our "sentinel"  tree up the road (a maple actually) is already turning. All a bit early it seems, but if it means we're getting closer to our official rainy period, I'm all for it.

    Off to putter.  Ash from that fire has drifted over the hill and onto walkways, cars, etc....

  • Thanks for interest in my little ode.  (That came out on my tablet as,"odd!")

    It started itself with the first line, all by itself. Then it ran away with me, and became something else!

    I was sure I took a photo of the inside of that Lap cabin, it was like the Tardis, and much bigger on the inside than seemed possible. Don't know where my pic of it went. I think you could have a sauna installed if you wanted :-)

    The stumpery looked lot better in real life. More life in it, and quite architectural, if you know what I mean.

    Congrats to Diane on finishing her piece of work, under difficult circumstances.

  • I posted another set of pics, two hours ago, and it wouldn't post, just got the whirling going around. I'll have another go in the morning.

    Night All!

  • Good Morning.  Sunny here again.  Hope it's not too hot for some, today.

  • Good morning -

    Looks like a nice day, here.

    Lovely pics, LINDY. Thank you.

    Yes, AQ, I have a chest freezer in the garage which I will use for storing some cooked food. I need to reorganize it a bit, though, to make room for things that are in my under kitchen counter freezer, which is leaving home. It will probably take up residence with a daughter. New kitchen will have a 70/30 fridge freezer, currently have a tall larder fridge.

    Sorry no proper chat, brain or what is left of it is full of kitchen equipment etc.

    Hope you all have a good day -

  • Gosh, it's hot, as they say in the films......

    Been out and busy: ordered new prescription sunglasses as my old ones are now so out of date I can't even drive in them.  Bought a dear little cardigan for my granddaughter Amber, and some grub in M&S - we love their pies so I never bake a savoury pie these days.  It got hotter as I drove home, and found that my OH had helpfully put the laundry on the line.