Well folks, its been a disappointing day in the fact that the three bairns will not be named,tagged or ringed but that has come from official lines as I hope all of you have seen and we have to acknowledge the expertise of the powers that be.Nevertheless, there has been a lot of wing exercising and mini flights on the nest during the course of the day. Not many fish were delivered, but hey, they have to get trim so they can fledge properly.
Paul, you will see that I have replied to you on the last of the posts for yesterday.
All at peace and sleeping with the odd plink plonk of what sounds like rain.!!!!!!!
Happy viewing and see you in the morning, night, night.
RSPB Giving Nature a Home
Someone seems to be thinking of a night flight! Very vigorous flapping. A second one joined in for a while but then just one still standing.
Terry in Cumbria
This is what they're getting up to at 10.55 pm first the one at the back of the nest and middle one is nearest the camera, whilst the last one is of the one at the back again.
Yes I saw that too Lynette and TerryM. What a super day its been on the LG nest. I've thoroughly enjoyed having time to watch and thank you to everyone for their posts, pics and clips. At long last the wind seems to have gone and there is a very quiet, peaceful scene of three youngsters trying to get off to sleep. Goodnight all. Catch up with you tomorrow after work. Emma
starting new thread