Well folks, its been a disappointing day in the fact that the three bairns will not be named,tagged or ringed but that has come from official lines as I hope all of you have seen and we have to acknowledge the expertise of the powers that be.Nevertheless, there has been a lot of wing exercising and mini flights on the nest during the course of the day. Not many fish were delivered, but hey, they have to get trim so they can fledge properly.
Paul, you will see that I have replied to you on the last of the posts for yesterday.
All at peace and sleeping with the odd plink plonk of what sounds like rain.!!!!!!!
Happy viewing and see you in the morning, night, night.
RSPB Giving Nature a Home
I'm trying to cook dinner too Lindybird. Steak pie, roast pots, carrots and brocolli for five. Should probably sign out and concentrate but there is so much fun on both nests right now. Beautiful blue sky up at LG and the gusty winds seem to have dropped to a breeze.
Hi Barbara Jean. I think the fledgings will happen apace this week. Its great fun at this stage isn't it?
May I come to dinner Emma ?? sounds super. I predict ...er hem..... no more fledgings today - go get your dins Emma.
Unknown said: Alison Elder posted this link to the 'lift off''' http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TdowUNhhA7U
Alison Elder posted this link to the 'lift off'''
THANKS for the video
Whoa the way EJ bolt off the nest after the intruder was something to behold!! She was furious and ready to do battle!
The intrude may want to reconsider it's michief at her nest . She is no one to mess with
Formerly known as Barbara Jean
Enjoyed our roast chicken with home grown new potatoes, broccoli & peas... also had glass of Rose, & OH has now retired to TV to watch the World Cup Match.
GEM's are racketing about, being teenagers and grumbling, like they do!
(off the subject, there is a great video clip on the LotL thread with the two babes taking off upwards before the actual fledge took place.)
Barbara Jean - I missed the actual fledge on here, & came in, in the middle to find 2 youngsters alone on the nest - but when I saw the clip later, I felt that the event had given a new meaning to the song "The Wind Beneath My Wings!"
What a day!!
The chick didn't just fly from nest to camera post, but soared beautifully off to the right of the nest towards the camera tree before dodging the intruder and landing perfectly back on the post.
It was amazing to witness, I was so excited that I was jumping up and down around the centre like a mad woman!
All I ask is the chance to prove that money can't make me happy. Spike Milligan
Thanks, Soosin.
Thanks Soosin for posting the description of the fledge !!
Oh I wish I could have been there to see it !
3 youngsters sitting quietly on the nest, all in a row as usual.