Well folks, its been a disappointing day in the fact that the three bairns will not be named,tagged or ringed but that has come from official lines as I hope all of you have seen and we have to acknowledge the expertise of the powers that be.Nevertheless, there has been a lot of wing exercising and mini flights on the nest during the course of the day. Not many fish were delivered, but hey, they have to get trim so they can fledge properly.
Paul, you will see that I have replied to you on the last of the posts for yesterday.
All at peace and sleeping with the odd plink plonk of what sounds like rain.!!!!!!!
Happy viewing and see you in the morning, night, night.
RSPB Giving Nature a Home
I just saw the other chick take off. The other two followed it with their eyes round the nest. Then suddenly the two chicks dived down on their bellies as EJ arrived screaming. It all happened very quickly.
Do you think it could be sitting on the camera post .... the other two have been staring up there for ages
Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!
Index Thread
I think 2 and 1 maybe looking at 3 - it could be perched on the post - like Rothes did last year. Please please , would someone else confirm what I saw?????????????/
Something just fluttered by and they all looked up. EJ is still looking.
I miised it and looked to see just 2 on the nest after EJ had stopped shrieking at the intruder. Hope it makes a safe landing but heart in mouth at the moment.
That chick is stiil staring at the post ... it never usually does that ... and something is 'clunking' !!
Cirrus I am amazed if it is the youngster has fledged first and it does look that way. Definitley another Garten for being so forward and fiesty. Just wish it would come back now.
Two at home and EJ
I think its on the camera tree as the others are looking up.
That chick is definitely watching something on the camera post