Daily Update (LG Nest) Sunday 11th July

Well folks, its been a disappointing day in the fact that the three bairns will not be named,tagged or ringed but that has come from official lines as I hope all of you have seen and we have to acknowledge the expertise of the powers that be.Nevertheless, there has been a lot of wing exercising and mini flights on the nest during the course of the day. Not many fish were delivered, but hey, they have to get trim so they can  fledge properly.

Paul, you will see that I have replied to you on the last of the posts for yesterday.

All at peace and sleeping with the odd plink plonk of what sounds like rain.!!!!!!!

Happy viewing and see you in the morning, night, night.

  • Hi Lynette.

    Thanks for starting a new Daily Update.  Hey don't feel bad about reacting to the bad comments on the main blog.  My comments about not giving abusive people any attention where in no way meant to critisice anyone who did react.  To be honest I thought about reacting myself but then thought no I won't give him the satisfaction. 

    Warning!  This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar.  Approach with extreme edginess.

  • Chick #1 is 51 days old today.  Since day 52 has been the most likely day of fledging then it is possible that we will see a fledging today!

  • Unknown said:

    Hi Lynette.

    Thanks for starting a new Daily Update.  Hey don't feel bad about reacting to the bad comments on the main blog.  My comments about not giving abusive people any attention where in no way meant to critisice anyone who did react.  To be honest I thought about reacting myself but then thought no I won't give him the satisfaction. 

    I am also one  who fired back. I  understand what you meant , that   bantering with abusive people just  encourages them. However, sometimes a  " warning shot over the  bow" isn't  a bad idea .  Most people here are disappointed they won't   at least  be ringed and named . To post the idea there was a cynical motive behind not  ringing or tagging the chicks was over the top . I  didn't respond to the  jab at Roy Dennis for  earning a living  connected to  the preservation of Ospreys.   After that post  I thought  Forres   is either a  child or teenager . No adult would be so naive to think that any  person could  devote full time to ANY  cause  without  earning  enough money to live. 

    Onward to enjoying the time we have with this  family . In  years to come if we see an intruder without  a leg ring who looks  exactly like Odin or EJ it may be one of these GEMS  :) 


    Formerly known as Barbara Jean

  • Hazel b said:

    Chick #1 is 51 days old today.  Since day 52 has been the most likely day of fledging then it is possible that we will see a fledging today!

    I am surprised #1 didn't officially fledge  yesterday .

    All it needed was to be in the  air and a foot or so  "away" from the edge of nest and it would have landed   in the  tree next to the nest. It  has already practiced  standing on EJ's perch on the  right side of the nest  so it knows  what a branch feels like under it's feet .  I hope the  center has someone  manning the  camera  in the  tree to  catch the fledging. I  remember the startled look on Deshar's face when he fledged. I believe last year the camera was down when Mallachie and Garten  fledged, and some how I  missed Rothes' maiden flight  

    Formerly known as Barbara Jean

  • The weather at LG sounds hellish at the moment.  I'll be surprised if any of the GEMs get a decent sleep with all that racket.

    Warning!  This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar.  Approach with extreme edginess.

  • The first light of the day is creeping over the hills and the GEMs are snoozing peacefully.

    Warning!  This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar.  Approach with extreme edginess.

  • Windy, strange noises on mike. Three restless GEMs.

  • It is raining and windy again.  It  won't be a good day to fledge . 

    If this stretch of  bad weather  keeps up they may all be ready to  fledge on the same day 

    I can Imagine all three lined up on the edge of the nest and EJ , the little air traffic controller,  telling each one   when it is their turn to jump LOL 

    Formerly known as Barbara Jean

  • Unknown said:

    I can Imagine all three lined up on the edge of the nest and EJ , the little air traffic controller,  telling each one   when it is their turn to jump LOL 

    And yet, I can well believe they have minds of their own and won't wait to listen to Mum. LOL

  • The GEM at back of nest is flying across the nest. Wow! Once he lifted so high only his feet were on screen. The second flapper hasn't yet become airborne. While Titch is still preening.