DAILY UPDATE ~ Loch Garten nest ~ Sunday, 14 August 2016

The Sunday morning gremlins isolated me in no-man's-land this morning, I hope that early bloggers will be spared.

So, EJ turned up with a fish yesterday morning and did some defending.  There were several intrusions throughout the day, as evidenced by Odin's voice and Willow's performance on the nest.  It was, periodically, a very noisy day, lots of shouting from the juvies, long silences too.

I'll just check thru the night...

A mystery - who or what moved the stick?

8s - really calls for a gif but am too lazy.

  • We have a youngster and he's behaving subtly:

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Gone again.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • It's His Gorgeousness:

    He's followed by one of the boys:

    He scarpers:

    Two boys now:

    They're now pondering what happened to Daddy's fishing skills.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • MaryGK said:
    I will check out your video later when I get the ipad fired up, as no way can I see it on PC no matter what browser I use.

    Sorry, MARY, I'm slow to develop new habits (good ones, at least!) - I've added the link now :-)

  • scylla said:

    I will check out your video later when I get the ipad fired up, as no way can I see it on PC no matter what browser I use.

    Sorry, MARY, I'm slow to develop new habits (good ones, at least!) - I've added the link now :-)


    Back for my catch up again :-)

    SCYLLA - I have watched and listened to your video several times, and I thought maybe a crested tit or black cap, or maybe even a coal tit, but their sounds are nothing like the trill we were getting.   Probably black cap is closest, and it did look like it had a little black bit on its head when I stopped it and enlarged the video.     Thanks for posting the link :-)  

  • MaryGK said:
    it did look like it had a little black bit on its head

    Yes, that's the only helpful feature I could see, apart from the smallness.  I have listened to RSPB's black cap vocal, but it was singing.  Of course, the sound might not have been from the bird we saw :-)

    Thanks a lot, Mary, for taking the time.

  • Thanks for updates so far. Looked in earlier and it wasw ENS just as it is now.

  • scylla said:

    it did look like it had a little black bit on its head

    Yes, that's the only helpful feature I could see, apart from the smallness.  I have listened to RSPB's black cap vocal, but it was singing.  Of course, the sound might not have been from the bird we saw :-)

    Thanks a lot, Mary, for taking the time.


    SCYLLA - I would really love to find out what it was, I love solving a mystery me! LOL....    It is such a pity that the cam wasn't clearer for better identification.  

    Still ENS....  

  • scylla said:

    There was a little bird deeply trilling (if that's possible ;-D )... it half appeared for a fleeting moment only :(

    Don't know why I perceived it as "deeply".  Just a fuzzy glimpse on the right edge - it was really tiny.

    VIDEO LINK ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cKsTsHd-AYY

    (Please visit the site to view this video)


    That call sounds like a Crested Tit to me - there was a brief glimpse of the bird upright facing towards the nest which might have had a crest...

    Or it might just be wishful thinking on my part!

    Edit: I posted above before I'd read through to the next pages! My Collins Bird Guide app gives the call of the Crested Tit very similar to that on the recording. The top of the head shot does look like that of a Coal Tit. I did a bird survey this morning and encountered my first Tit flock of the season (mixed tits - LT, Blue, Great, plus Whitethroats) so could have been more than one bird at the nest?

  • I know, SHEILA, the buffering is so discouraging :(

    Karen B said:
    could have been more than one bird at the nest?

    That's what I wondered, BIRDSONG :-)

    I'm off for a nap, SYAL :-)