Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 7 August 2016


Everyone have a good week!

  • LINDY   love the Olympics, esp the swimming, in fact all things water. Forget the boxing which I think is barbaric. Think the athletics starts tomorrow so looking forward to that. Just been screaming at the tv watching the women double skulls.

    BRENDA   Have a good day looking for your outfit.

  • Morning all:

    Lindybird: Not only did I get the day wrong, I also messed up regarding the lady who does the speed reading - your friend; not AQs I believe. Duh.

    Brenda: Oh my - not a fun outing for your OH. Is he drinking that ghastly stuff?  That's the worst part of the test. Glad your shoulder is on the mend.

    Heather: The new kitchen will be wonderful; I wonder how long it will take to do.  Hope daughter's Weekly Big Shop with love-struck Callum makes it onto the calendar sooner than later. Who's paying for his insurance? If it's Mum, that might be some kind of quid pro quo.  And yes, where is OG?

    Margo: Brilliant you have yet another show on the calendar. Keep buying those tickets.

    Off to sort out the world....

  • I am here - but not good - more later.  (Nothing serious, don't panic!)

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Good to see your mini post, OG. Thank you

    We found a different gardner, who made an appointment and arrived on time. He had some very good ideas and will start next month.

    Heather, Wonderful news about your new kitchen. Callum is obviously very much in love. Maybe Mum should calmly ask when he is taking her shopping. His girlfriend may go too :-))

    Spoke to Margo this afternoon. Glad to say she sounded most cheerful.

  • Evening all:  Today started with a spider on my pillow and ended in a traffic jam miles long thanks to a farm workers' bus that burst into flames (one injury) and reduced 3-lanes of traffic to one (not to mention lots of aggro in the hours in between).  Was on the way from daughter's house to meet grandson to sort out bank problem. Never got to the bank; it was all sorted over the phone by G'son and OH while I was still l creeping up the highway at 4 mph. Turned around at first opportunity (an hour later) and came home but did stop at Vista Point for a few minutes to enjoy the beautiful ocean and take some deep breaths.  

    OG: Good that it's nothing serious. Still....

    Brenda: Thanks for the additional input re Margo. If your gardener works out, send him my way.

    Haven't been watching the Olympics at all....

  • OG  Glad to hear things are not too bad, whatever it is.    Swimming later.

  • Thank you Brenda for the Margo update.

  • Margo – Glad your docs are keeping a close eye on you. Enjoy your meals out. {{{HUGS}}}


    Diane – I hope you have better news soon. {{{HUGS}}}


    Take care OG.


    Heather - I have finished both clowns. A knitted sort-of dog for Miss4 also finished. I saw how twins had fun with the clown’s sausages, so I have knitted about 20 in different colours. I must be crazy! Educational toy – it provides counting as well naming colours. Meanwhile I have returned to my own jumper which should be ready for winter 2017.


    Annette – Good that you are doing exercises for me as I’m on strike this arvo. This morn I practised climbing stairs at the WE; 6 or 7 steps up from street and down, repeated three times, sez she smugly. Then drove around eastern suburbs capturing a few stray churches or church halls. Home somewhat tired and sore but mentally feeling great for getting OUT.


    I have booked 3 spring day bus trips (end Sep to end Oct) using voucher from my cancelled trips. There are still a dozen seats available on the one upon which my Physio cast doubts. Maybe I’m not meant to do that trip as I realize it is the day of the City-Bay Fun Run. Road closures mean I would have to make a detour to get to bus departure. We’ll see.

  • Good Morning.  Sunny here this morning, as we leave! Best day was a dry day last Friday, just after we arrived - since then, it's been very changeable and we've even had to wear warm hats on the beach!

    Sorry you're not too good, OG :-(

    ANNETTE -  Hang on in there!