Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 7 August 2016


Everyone have a good week!

  • Diane, I am so sorry to read about your brother's condition, and insurance problems. Hope he can get the treatment he needs soon.

    Thinking of you all and sending best wishes.

  • Best wishes to Margo, after news from Brenda.

    I hope the transfusion improves things for her.

  • Just popping in to tell Margo hope she feels better (thanks Brenda).

    Diane: So very very sorry about your brother's illness, not to mention the all-American predicament of paying for healthcare. Ghastly state of affairs.

    Lindybird: Maybe a lace curtain or shades would work at that window?  :-)

    AQ: Bummer about that bus trip - but who knows - maybe you'll surprise the doc. I'll do some exercises for you to help.  :-)  Can't imagine speed reading a book (wonder what your friend gets out of that). I like to get lost in the story; there's enough zooming around in my real life!

    dibnlib: The Peter Robinson book I have is No Cure For Love (I just read that it was originally published in 1995).  Hmmm, anyway, just searched for When the Music's Over and it's on order at the local library, so have reserved it. Thanks for sorting me out. :-)

    Actually made it to the gym today!  

    Have a good Wednesday.

  • Good Morning, All.  Dull here and grey. We're hoping to make the best of it and go out, then later pack up ready to go home tomorrow.

    My OH is enjoying the Olympic coverage (although we feel sorry for those who don't like sports, as it's wall-to-wall)  but we both like the track & field events which are next week, most.

    Hope that BRENDA feels better today, and that AQ can keep up the exercises to get that knee moving!

  • ps -  It's Thursday here, ANNETTE!

  • Good Morning Everyone. A cloudy morning, but supposed to brighten up later.

    We are also enjoying watching the olympics, but as Linda says, the BBC has been showing continuous coverage and it becomes annoying having to switch from BBC1 and BBC2 so frequently, not to mention the changeover at crucial times.

    My OH is having a colonoscopy tomorrow, so his starvation for 24 hours has just begun, not to mention the second part of the procedure this evening :-))  It is just a check up after a cyst removal three years ago.

    I have arranged to meet daughter to go shopping for my MOB outfit on Tuesday, before we go for a fitting for her wedding dress. Temperatures due to be 30c plus in London :-((

    My shoulder is so much better, thank you, but I still can't do anything that requires effort. A good excuse not to do anything. LOL 

  • Good morning

    Miserable rainy day here, again. Got a message from a member of Canadian family complaining about the heat in Toronto. We had our heating on yesterday. My poor OH is suffering from cabin fever.

    AQ- good news from doc about your knee but a pity that you may miss your next planned trip. We'll miss it, too, your pics, etc. Have you finished sewing hands etc?  Maybe, since I remember you saying a few days ago, that you were knitting.

    MARGO- Sorry that you had such a long day in the hospital xxx

    I'm wondering if OG is well, perhaps she is busy freezing garden produce.

    Regarding books, I have never been able to get into science fiction or fantasy, despite my son telling me what fun I am missing. I'll have a go at most other things, though. Right now am reading Maurice Buckmaster' s 'They fought alone'.

    Great news!  Our new kitchen will be installed in about four weeks time. A young lady from Howdens Joinery visited us yesterday. Amazingly, she thought most of my ideas were fine. She will make a 3D plan and send it to my computer early next week.

    Callum' s behaviour is annoying me a bit. Since he met his girlfriend he seems unable to think about anyone else. I know, I know :-) When he passed his driving test he was so proud and told his mum that he would be able to take her for her weekly big shop etc. Well, all that has gone by the board, at least for the time being.

    Regards to all

  • Missed your post, BRENDA. Yes, the preparation for the colonoscopy fills my OH with dread! It is good to read that your shoulder is getting better.

    My OH has been watching the Olympics but mostly because he can't get out to the garden.

    Exciting stuff, wedding dress and MOB outfit. Have you a rough idea of what you would like?
  • Dear All

    Thanks as always for your thoughts it is of great comfort to me.

    So pleased that I got the transfusion yesterday as I was going downhill fast. Had to use the wheelchair to get me the 2 appointments I had yesterday. The first one to see the Consultant and the second one for the blood transfusion. The 2 departments are far apart. Was pleased to get a bed again. It has been decided that she will se me every 21/2 weeks followed on the same day by transfusions. 3 weeks seems to be a little too long a gap. Transfusion went fine and all the way blood pressure checks were fine. When it had all finished blood pressure was taken again and much to my horror and the nurse, it was 201 over 86. Instead of going home had to stay another hour where they checked it every 15 minutes. It eventually reached a satisfactory level and I was allowed to go home. I was feeling more than a bit worried and thinking surely something else had not gone wrong. Of course the nurse and OH we're trying to keep me calm which was not easy to do at this point. Had visions of having to stay in hospital overnight but thankfully this was not the case. Came home feeling extremely tired. Feeling a lot calmer now and will start to feel the benefit in a couple of days. Once again I am so thankful for all the care I receive.

    Had lunch out last Friday at our local pub. Sausage and onion with cheese melt  on a crusty thick cut brown bloomer Served with fries and salad. More like a full blown meal but very enjoyable. Consequently all I had in the evening was a small piece of cake. Tomorrow lunchtime we have booked lunch at the steak pub. On Sunday we are off to see Chas & Dave at a local theatre. Was booked a long time ago and at the time we didn't know whether I would still be around, so another show we will get to see. As you know we enjoy going to to see them. They are very accomplished musicians and have a very wide repertoire . As we left the Consultant she asked if we had any shows lined up. I said yes and she asked who we were going to see thinking she had probably not heard of them. She is quite young but said she did know about the. I think the next show is a ballet so hopefully will get to that as well.

    diane just to let you know you are my thought.

    OG sounds as though your enjoyed your time away

    Lindy so pleased you are having a relaxed time. Hope OH's back has improved. Safe journey home tomorrow.

    Annette pleased to read daughter out of hospital. Hope things calm down a bit for you.

    AQ what a shame that you will ine be able to get away and hope things are getting easier for you.

    Heather delighted to read about the upcoming new kitchen as you must be. Shame Callum is a bit wrapped up in girlffiend suppose it is all part of growing up. You must be thoroughly fed up with your weather and it does not look like improving at the moment.

    Brenda thinking if your OH on his fasting, long time to go without food.

    Must stop wittering as lunch is nearly ready, eating our main meal now as OH has an appointment later and might not back until after 7.00.

    Take care all and have a good day.

  • Great to hear from you Margo. You enjoy that steak and the show.