Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 7 August 2016


Everyone have a good week!

  • Evening all:  Geez. What a day!  Was on my way up to daughter's today when I got a call from her saying the most important of the meds she was supposed to take for the C.diff hadn't been ordered from the pharmacy when she was released from hospital. Lots of phone calls later, I picked the Rx up from the pharmacy and she's now taking it - after at 36-hour break in a regimen that called for one pill every 8 hours!!  I went by the hospital to find out what had happened and the story is that the doc prescribed it but the Rx hadn't been sent to the pharmacy.   Honestly.  It really makes you wonder. Anyway, spent most of the day with her and will go back up again tomorrow to make sure things are on track, then to her own doc on Tuesday morning. What a to-do!

    Diane: Bless you for starting a new thread given what you're dealing with. Will be thinking of you as I roar back and forth to daughter's house.

    Heather: Fascinating about the Brit settlers in NZ who built  houses facing south. Whodathunkit.  I shall be at your house tomorrow for that yummy sounding dinner (please put an extra serving of rhubarb crumble aside for me?).

    Rosy: Spoke to my sister for about an hour this morning. She's still having pain and her blood pressure has apparently not been well controlled at all. But she has a new and seemingly competent consultant in a nearby village who has taken over her case. He's reviewing all her tests; she'll see him next week for his input.  In the meantime, she's worried about her daughter (whose neighbors are turning out to be major druggies) and son (who's working too hard).   I'm worried about her, her daughter and son, and my daughter. Situation normal: Mothers worry about everybody. Eeeek!   That Hive structure sounds fascinating. I'm sure you won't have any problem finding a dull day to revisit.  :-)

    OG: Glad you found time to chill out.

    Lindybird: 5:30 is too early!

    AQ: Toasty indeed. We aren't that low at night right now.

    OK. Well, Sunday again. Here's hoping for a calmer week all round!

  • Good morning and thank you, Diane.

    ROSY- I will have to Google the Hive. To my shame, had never heard of it.

    ANNETTE- It does indeed make you wonder. Thank goodness your daughter realised before any more time went by. It is a very busy time for you, dashing here and there. Sorry to read that your sister is still not 'right'.

    OG- The rain did arrive in the afternoon, a shower, then heavy rain followed. OH did lots of complaining about not being able to work in the garden but I had warned him that rain was on the way. He didn't take the hint and carried on with his usual crosswords while I was out shopping in town in the morning.

  • Good Morning.  A bit dampish here, after a dry night. Very cloudy.

    Thanks to DIANE for starting us off again (is it really a new week already!?) even though she has a lot on her plate at present.

    ANNETTE - such a lot of your family for you to worry about, just now. These things seem to come in phases. Good that you could be supportive in getting your daughter's meds sorted out, what a drama. Hope that you're managing to rest in between all the dashing around.

    HEATHER - Hope all goes well with your Canadian visitor and that lovely sounding meal :-)

    OG - Nice to hear that you're seeing some family as part of the trip.

    MARGO - I'm hoping that you're managing one of your trips to the pub for a good meal, this weekend!

    ROSY -  I've noticed that we all seem to post the least on a Saturday - suppose we are all busy!

    BRENDA -  Hope that arm & shoulder are easing for you.

  • AS it is #HenHarrierDay2016 , I thought I would update you on the petition to Ban Driven Grouse Shooting. We have reached 75k with 203 signing in the last hour.

  • Waiting to hear when family will arrive, then can calculate cooking time for the beef!

    What a windy day here. Our garden has suffered terribly. Lots of sweary words from OH. It really is heartbreaking for him.

  • HEATHER:  My sympathies to your OH re the garden. I feel the same way when I see what damage the moles do to mine after all my hard work.  Have fun with family.

    Off to daughter's around lunchtime; seems like there are plumbing problems (with the actual plumbing in the house this time). Oh my.

  • Oh dear, ANNETTE - more problems. Hope it's easily sorted.

    HEATHER - Sorry to hear about your garden damage. Disheartening when you love your plants and put effort into it. It's been very gusty here.

    We went out for a pleasant carvery lunch in a pub which although previously very run down, has now been taken over and has a good sounding menu. We may return!

    Going to have a tiny plateful of brie & tomatoes tonight, plus a few small sweet local strawberries!

  • Sorry so many of "our" families have sick people right now.  Hoping for a better week for all.

    Gales this morning - no full trees down on the road through the woods, but several branches.  Reasonable morning weather, rain developed and then gales again this evening.  Before we left, one of the Grandsons had phoned Daughter to say he was safe home.  It was good to see them, and pregnant GD-in-law looks really well - also saw her 20 week scan picture of our Great Grandchild.

    Wind expected to lessen by midnight, and good travelling weather  to get to lunch with Grandson and Fiancée on our way home.  Will be sad to say goodbye to wee Harry the dog, who visits us every morning after breakfast.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • It has been windy here too, I expect there will be some branches down in the area.

    I have just had a few days in Northumberland, which I enjoyed, though the weather was not too good, unfortunately. A good explore of the Kielder area, which I have not visited before, was interesting. The main point of course, was the ospreys, and Wednesday is when the people are there with the scopes, and unfortunately it was a wet and windy day! The volunteers there were lovely and very helpful, we peered through the mist and the nest was just about visible, it is a fair distance away. There were chicks to be seen on the nest screen, hanging on hard to the nest in the wind! Quite late on, to our joy, an osprey flew quite close over the bay, and hovered a few times but did not dive. I must thank Tim for the loan of his binoculars, as I had left mine in the car!

    I did go to the Castle cafe but Joanne was not in that day. The Ferry was not running the cruises, till further notice, it needed some repair I think.

  • Evening all: Knackered (again!), but daughter felt better this afternoon.

    Lindybird: Another busy day but at least daughter's plumbing didn't act up.

    OG:  Sounds like gender of great-grandchild is still unknown.

    ChrisyB; Good to see you.

    Have a good Monday everyone.