AUGUST sneaked up on me, but apparently no one noticed

August is my least favorite month, considering the too hot, too humid weather here in southwest Ohio. 

In the osprey world, AUGUST is the month for all our ospreys to start their migrations.  Willow and Rowan will be starting their long journey to Africa which will be their home for the next two years.  They have not been tagged, so we have no way of following their progress or lack thereof.  GOOD LUCK to them as they  start this long difficult journey, to all the other juveniles we are following, as well as best wishes for their parents and all ospreys known or unknown.

  • Good evening all. I have not watched any olympics and no tennis either as not a fan. I am impressed by the success of olympians and apreciate their fitness but not interested enough to watch, Sorry to be a kill joy! I do enjoy the dressage in the horsey sports, and am amazed that riders can have so much control of a huge animal. The girl next door to me keeps horses and does some dressage training and I can't help but peep through a hole in the fence to watch!

  • I am pleased that the LG chicks have to been tracked, and we will never know if they return or not, nor will we know of their demise which had become all too common and heartbreaking. Your Garten may well still be alive and also Druie as he was not tagged. Caledonia almost made it to 2 years of age as did Breagh, so cruelly taken away when their was such hope for them. Caledonia taken by a tragic accident soon after the demise of Oirigh was announced. Couldn't take much more bad news. Hope with all my heart Willow and Rowan will be spotted in the future :)

  • They have been harvesting here and its all very dusty as we've had no rain for some time. Im hoping for some soon :)

    We have juvenile buzzards here and they are yelling almost all day for food. I don't know if the parents still feed them but I see them flying low over my garden screaming almost constantly. I love to see them and great they are breeding (every year now) Beautiful birds I hate to think they are hungry. They reming me of the osprey chicks yelling for food !

  • II had the highest hope for Caledonia returning home.  Thought I wasn't attached, but when we learned of her death once again I found myself shedding "salty tears"

    KEITH I think should be home from Korea by now.  Hope he is resting and catching up and recooperates quickly from the long journey.

  • Seems I haven't been paying attention.  ROWAN  left Tuesday with an announcement two days ago on the main blog. A bunch of newsys we are.  At least we are not crying and I'm sure we all wish him well.  Wonder if Willow has left yet?  If not, I'm sure he will take his turn soon.


  • Good  evening June and all. I believe Willow is still with us. 2 chicks from Rutland have lef T6 and T7. I hope T6 has made a complete recovery and is fit and strong for her migration. I feel so worried about these juveniles migrating and hope they learn to fish very quickly. Cant bear the thought of them being hungry on their big survival adventure :(

  • Well, that's it then.  According to Jess as posted on the main blog 6 hours ago, the LG nest is now officially empty for the 2016 season. Willow and Odin have both started their journey south presumably to Africa, following earlier departures by Rowan and EJ.  

    I thought I wouldn't cry when this happened, but here I am, reaching for the tissues to wipe the falling tears.  What would be the use of watching and following if I didn't care.  

    Jess made her announcement with an imaginative and very cute note from Odin.  You'll want to check it out, if you have not already seen it.

  • Yes June we have a very empty nest :-(

    Credit of that imaginative blog goes to Chris as all posters from LG this year have used Jess's log in..


    It sounds like an Agatha Christie Novel. Yes we must say goodbye to the UK ospreys until next April.

    There are still many ospreys around and have been up to the LOTL nest over the past few days watching the two remaining young and male.

    Off to Loch Garten tomorrow and with no ospreys present on the LG nest will have a trip on the Strathspey Railway and a game of golf at Boat of Garten. I am sure I will see a few flying around though.