AUGUST sneaked up on me, but apparently no one noticed

August is my least favorite month, considering the too hot, too humid weather here in southwest Ohio. 

In the osprey world, AUGUST is the month for all our ospreys to start their migrations.  Willow and Rowan will be starting their long journey to Africa which will be their home for the next two years.  They have not been tagged, so we have no way of following their progress or lack thereof.  GOOD LUCK to them as they  start this long difficult journey, to all the other juveniles we are following, as well as best wishes for their parents and all ospreys known or unknown.

  • I expect my wife and the rest of Dunblane are celebrating this one and certainly will join her as flying home on Wednesday but it will take over 28 hours to reach home.

    I am reading that three of the followed nest females are likely to be on route to their wintering grounds EJ - GLESNI and LF15 from LOTL. Now Blue 24 can come out to play.

    I'll get out and about once I get home to see the remaining before they all go.

  • Keith, I'm glad for you that the end of your Korean work assignment is in sight.  This has been longer than usual and further away than usual so I expect you will be extra happy to be home.

  • Jess Tomes has written an excellent report on the main blog regarding EJ's migration.  She included a couple of nice pictures from early in the season.

  • Good afternoon all.

    Keith that is some journey 28 hours :(. Hope you reach home  safely and not too tired!

    Sad to see that EJ has left, and look forward to herv return next year! Also Glesni and Lassie. Feel sad as the end of the season looms nearer. It has largely been a very good year generally except for the very sad loss of the wonderful Mr Rutland. A great year for EJ and Odin 2 lovely boys. The poulation of ospreys has been boosted considerably.

  • Hi Willow. I haven't spent as much time on cam this season as in the past, so have not become very attached.  However the end of the season is always sad and especially this year as neither Willow nor Rowan have been tagged.  Once they are gone - they will be gone - period. No following their colored lines, then streetwalking below and actually seeing their flight paths overhead. No following them on to more foreign, isolated countries to find their location on a map and maybe nearby photos.  No knowing where they are or HOW they are!

       But then we will have the satisfaction of knowing that whatever their lot, they are flying free and unencumbered. Just as EJ and Odin have done for years.  And just as Mum and Dad have returned to us for many springs, so we can hope that eventually Rowan and Willow will  be sighted somewhere.  Just as I still hold on to that glimmer of trust that somewhere unbeknownst to us my forever favorite Garten has found a mate and a nest and has sent his own healthy juveniles out into the wide skies.

  • Has anyone been watching the Olympics?  I haven't much, so of course I miss the good stuff (Like watching Osprey - the more one watches, the more one sees of real interest)  Right?

    Anyway. after I picked up Andy's victory on our news, my curiosity was aroused so I went looking for more.  I found three interesting stories.

    1. Andy corrected the reporters about the records of USA tennis champs, the Williams sisters.  2.  He almost hit Princess Anne in the face with the flag, then she was hidden behind it.  It said SHE was a good sport about it, but I think HE was the one called upon to be (and WAS) a good sport.  What an awkward position she had put him in.  3. Andy will be in Cincinnati in a few days.  This was not a story, but I caught his quick remark in one of his interviews.  I won't see him but will watch the local news more closely and maybe see what that is all about.

  • The first osprey I have seen this morning, this in USA.