WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY JULY 31, 2016

Morning all:  Happy New Week.  Busy day here....

Brenda: I wonder if you've torn the rotator cuff in your shoulder. That would show up on an MRI.... Thanks for letting us know Margo is feeling chirpier. Ms D's hair is still pretty blonde in some lights but suspect it'll gradually darken (I used to be blonde!).

Lindybird: Oh dear, sorry your OH is paying for his good deed.

ChrisyB: Good to see you! Have fun at Kielder Water.

Heather: Do hope the family plan to sort out "problem" will take the load off you.

Rosy: How nice to combine outstanding tasks with a lazy day following a day where you and friend sorted out the world (nobody else seems to be doing a good job of it).

Have a good Sunday all.

  • We've had mixed weather already:  drove through drizzle yesterday to get here, yet found dry roads and sunshine as we reached the coast. Today it's been cloudy with sudden sunshiney spells. Walked this morning, then started reading books this afternoon.

    My OH has a sore back where he was manipulated, but it has eased somewhat. 

  • Afternoon all:  Having an at-home day.  Thanks ALL for good wishes for daughter.  What made the week so - um - interesting was that the same day my daughter went into hospital, my sister in the UK was admitted to hospital in Lincoln with what now appears to have been a severe gallbladder attack. After multiple tests/scans, nothing definitive found and she was released today for home. Best part of it, my BiL says, is that she was waited on hand-and-foot for four days - the only part of her ordeal that sounded wonderful.  Wonder if I could fake it...

    Good to see bjane. :-)

    Rosy: Daughter lives about 50 miles up the road - it's a lovely drive, but..

    Keith: Congrats on the new addition to the hedgehog family - and really hope the probate jigsaw is now complete. What a hassle.

    Lindybird/OG: Hope weather is good to you both and that OG and Lindybird's OH are feeling better.

    Diane: Can imagine your bro's illness combined with deadline for project have made for a terrible week. Hugs to you...

    I'm spending the day doing laundry for daughter but lunch and nap on patio has now risen to the top of the list. Hurray.

  • Overnight minimum was 3.2 C at 7 am, just 11 mins ago. Brrrrr!

  • AQ: But still just above freezing, right?  Stay warm!

  • Now a toasty 16 C. I've been sitting all morn in sun in bay window knitting while watching Olympic opening!

  • Morning, All.  Sunny here.

    A late start for us but only because Bonnie had my OH up twice in the night, so he tried to have a lay in till 7.30 this morni ng (she usually gets him up at 5.30am.....)

    Only seen tiny snippets of the Olympic Opening so far. Don't like the special Breakfast Studio set at all!

  • aquilareen said:

    Now a toasty 16 C. I've been sitting all morn in sun in bay window knitting while watching Olympic opening!

    AQ -  Glad you're warming up, and getting some knitting done!

    ANNETTE -  You've had a tense time with your sister in hospital as well: glad she's home now and hope things settle down for her (and for you).

  • Hello ALL.

    AQ - I always have to realise that you are in wintertime lol. I'm sure that I've said here before, that when Sheana went to live in NZ in 1939,some of the original houses built by British settlers were facing the wrong way, south, instead of north.

    LINDY - good that you got a bit of a lie in!

    No rain here, yet. OH came home from Moy yesterday with trousers badly splattered. Just a mud bath as we guessed it would be. Anyway, he had a good time.

    Have done a fair bit of shopping today in preparation for our Canadian visitor tomorrow evening. Plan is for roast sirloin of beef and Yorkshire pudding etc followed by a rhubarb crumble, bowls of strawberries and raspberries with meringues, cream and ice cream, a cheeseboard, coffee and chocs. She will be out with eldest daughter and family all day, they will collect her from her 'digs' quite early on.

  • HEATHER -I am sure you must have shared the rain we had out at Bunchrew!

    Had a good trip to Logie Steading yesterday, with a good Osprey sighting there.  Just chilled at Daughter's today, with visit from both Grandsons who are staying overnight.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Hello Everyone,

    I guess most people are busy with family today.

    Thinking of Diane and hoping for the best outcome, for her brother.

    Pleased  to read that Lindybird and her OH had a lie in, and that AQ has been knitting in the sun.

    Annette, 50 miles, not exactly next door. At least it is a lovely drive!

    Hope daughter continues to improve.

    Sorry about your sister, but glad she is home from hospital, and hopefully still being waited on until she is really better!

    We went to Kew Gardens this morning to see the the Hive. It is a huge metal structure, that relays the sounds of 40,000 bees in a hive. It merges meditative music in the key of C.(if that means anything to anybody) It was a bit lost on me!

    There are also 891 LED lights that also relays information from the real hive.

    Unfortunately, today being the sunniest day for several weeks, the lights did not show up very well. Will try to go again on a duller day.

    Best wishes to everyone not mentioned.