Today is your last opportunity to downgrade to Windows10 for free ;-) (Except for a very elderly one, I've done it on all my laptops without a total disaster.)
What a different day yesterday was compared to the day before, with Rowan and Willow each getting a fine fish early in the day.
Tonight has been dead quiet.
DAYCAM 0438hr
Odin appeared on the nest in my absence.
Dropped down?
Immediately spotted and remedied the Jay's mischief:
Here's a screen capture to show you the time:
Just over 2 minutes, no nestcupping.
As I type, the juvies are calling and there are tweets/chirps. No actual shouting yet.
It sounds as tho someone may have a fish - not the manic squealing, but kinda EJ-style chirps.
I wonder if a fish has been delivered off-nest? Chris, in the blog, said that fish had been eaten in the trees.
One of those "I think I can fly" broken cries, then calling... and more shouty calling.
After a long silence, chirps and fly-by, then fly-up - juvie must be on campost, it's very loud.
Nearby juvie has gone silent, but distant juvie heard.
The two are calling to each other :-) Feet rattling on campost.
Seems like the nest isn't good enough for them this morning!
Am off to get something to eat. Probably salad, CLARE ;-)
Willow appeared while I was gone:
Shouting earnestly:
Looking steadfastly you-know-where:
Except he's changed direction of gaze now, but I'm not doing a snap.