Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 24 July 2016


  • HEATHER   That lady in the orchestra was amazing. I couldn't believe it when she played the bagpipes!!!

    Our friend (on the Brompton bike)  reached Lands End this afternoon. He hadn't told us that he was being interviewed on Chris Evans this morning, luckily he is on again tomorrow so we will be sure not to miss that. If anyone is interested, his time slot is just before 0730.  He has been keeping lots of people entertained with his exploits on route. We are so pleased he made it and in doing so has enriched the RAF Benevolent coffers.

    It has been a strange 2 weeks. First of all we met up with Tris (Brompton bike) who we haven't seen since about 1987, then OHs cousin who he hasn't seen since '77. On Friday another friend from the past is coming for lunch. We haven't seen him for about 25 years. Unfortunately his wife will not be with him as she is looking after her aged brother while her bro is having a break.

  • I see I am too late for the brownie.

    Been occupied with assorted friends and relatives, and bowls matches and competitions.

    I am also left behind from where ever everyone else has gone.

  • Poor you, ROSY. No brownie. That OH of ANNETTE's is definitely spoilt.

    DIBNLIB - Well done to your friend for completing that long trip and raising money for the RAFBF. Now just tempt my taste buds by telling me what you are giving your other friend for lunch on Friday.

    LINDY - Your OH's bad back has travelled north. I must have moved awkwardly. Never mind, I will stagger, noisily, to the kitchen in a minute and perform my cooking duties. Hope that you enjoyed lunch with your friend and will have a good time with the family.

    Also wishing the best for your OH with the chiropractor.

    I went to Conon Bridge today by bus. Big mistake. The bus was fifteen minutes late in leaving the bus station in town and on the way back to Inverness from Conon, sailed past me at exactly 3pm, just before I got to the bus stop. It was supposed to leave the village at 3.06 and get to my stop a couple of minutes later. So a long wait for the next one which arrived at 3.40. There are many visitors in the area just now and the roads in Inverness town centre are choc a bloc, thus buses cannot possibly run to time. Must think about the money the tourists bring to the Highlands and try not to complain!

    Take care, all.

  • Does anyone know where OG is?  Tidying up the bedroom? Hope she's OK.

  • Yes, I have been wondering, too.

  • HEATHER  Easy summer fish pie.   Hot smoked salmon mixed with prawns mixed tog with creme fraiche, lemon and dill and topped with crushed new pots and spring onions. Parmesan to finish. I will offer Mary Berry's summer fruit pudding, which OH dislikes and I love.     Sorry to hear your back is playing up and that you had transport props.   We  noticed the traffic to and from Inv was horrendous this morning.

    Got a phone call about 1700 from my cousin. Sadly my Aunt died in hosp this morning. 

  • Sorry to hear about your Aunt, DIBNLIB.

    Fish pie sounds yummy! My mouth is watering.... I like summer pudding, also. My OH has just devoured a bowl of rasps with meringue and cream.

  • Heather & Dibnlib :  The lady in the orchestra whom you mention, was ill a while back and was welcomed back to her place in the orchestra by Andre, who said that she had had a brave fight with cancer. He talked about how much of a valued member she was, being so talented in playing so many different instruments, and how much she had been missed - not a dry eye in the house!

    Well done to your friend, Dibnlib, on completing his epic ride. I'll try to hear him on the radio.

    Sorry about your Aunt - will you be able to attend the funeral?

    Had a pleasant lunch with Friend - she ate a big plateful but I struggled with an omelette and sweet potato fries. Not really up to eating much today. We poked around the shop and both bought something for our dogs before going off to Lakeland where she filled a basket with goodies - I confined myself to getting a loose based cake tin which feels nicely solid and is non stick so could be good for making cake for the family.

  • Heather - sounds like a frustrating day with buses. Some never seem to run on time, but as you say, it could be beyond their control.

    Sorry you've got a backache - makes everything difficult to do. My OH went to his appt. this morning, and was relieved to hear that the chiropractor thought he could sort it. When he got home he felt better already.

    (I said, why hadn't he gone there sooner?!)

  • Happy to read that your OH feels better, LINDY.

    We've just had another shower of rain. OH is so fed up with the weather. He managed to cut the front grass this afternoon, did some deadheading. Not a day without rain here and Monty Don is walking around his garden on TV this evening, wearing a straw hat. Oh well.