Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 24 July 2016


  • Annette, I must get an individual pizza made for myself. OH wouldn't risk eating one.

    I agree with you. I am not an Andre Rieu fan either. If he is on the TV, I change stations.

    Pleased that your G-daughter arrived safely. You must be so tired.

  • Margo is now back home, feeling so much happier, after a frightening time for her and her OH. Billie fretted and wasn't eating while she wasn't at home. 

  • Thank you Brenda. That is good to hear.

  • BRENDA   Thank you for the good news about Margo.

  • Thanks Brenda for the news on Margo. Poor Billie wouldn't understand what was happening and will be so pleased to have his Mum back.

    Kind regards


  • Ditto from me:   it's good to hear that Margo is home now.

    You can get small oval pizzas for one, in Waitrose.  I only know this because they have opened a small branch near us, the larger shops are all miles away. I sometimes have one when my OH is going to be out at mealtimes. They freeze well, so you can just get one out and cook it straightaway with no need to thaw.

    Did anyone who is a Strictly fan get to see the wonderful Proms performance the other day?   Superb music and sublime dancing from a small number of the usual professionals from the show, plus Katie Derham.

  • Yes, BRENDA, it is very good to hear that MARGO is at home after a very worrying few days.  

    DIANE - you must be feeling so very relieved that your brother is much better. Good news for you, I'm happy.

    Re Andre Rieu - it would indeed be a dull world if we all liked the same things! My OH is in love with the dark haired lady in the blue dress, who sits in the front row of the orchestra. She is very talented and can play several instruments including the bagpipes!

    ANNETTE you have indeed been busy. I think that I have got a bit mixed up - thought that the visit and car transfer was happening last weekend. I'll have some brownies, thank you.

    OG is very quiet, hope that the cleaning of bedroom units etc has gone well and that she is OK.

    Youngest family have decided to go back to Elgin tonight instead of tomorrow. Hope it wasn't because I didn't give them enough food!

    Not much contact from my brother this past few days. That usually means that they are having some sort of crisis. Probably financial.

  • Evening all:

    Brenda: Thanks for letting us know that Margo is home.

    Heather: Last brownie is wrapped in foil on the kitchen counter but you'd better hurry coz OH has it in his sights.

    Rather more busy today than planned; nap has now been put on tomorrow's agenda.

    Take care all.

  • Good Morning. Dull and drizzly here, but supposed to be clearing up. Am off with Friend for quick lunch later, but a busy morning first getting ready for our. family visit.

    My OH is off to the Chiropractor as his bad back has not improved in spite of his trying to lessen the strain on it. We know he has flattened discs and now and then the pain flares up.

    Bet that brownie is gone now, Annette, and it had my name on it.

  • Morning Lindybird:  Has everyone else gone off somewhere without us?  :-) Brownie was last seen under a scoop of ice cream as OH exited the kitchen last night...