Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 24 July 2016


  • Hi all: Sitting with Ms. D while granddaughter takes a nap prior to their departure later tonight.  The Santa Barbara Zoo (very small, pretty, and nice) was on the schedule followed by an afternoon at the beach. Yawn....  Lots of laundry on tomorrow's agenda!

    Brenda: Do pass on best wishes to Margo and thanks so much for keeping us up to date.

    Lindybird: The Christening dress looked like a family heirloom. Very pretty and so nice to keep passing down through the generations.

    Heather: Dinner tonight was pizza and watermelon with ice cream and brownies lurking in the wings...  Leftover pizza will accompany kids on their drive to Arizona.

    Hallo to everyone I haven't mentioned.

  • Good Morning.  Dull & grey here.

    Sounds like a lovely family visit, Annette. Especially the pizza! And brownies......I'm on my way over......

    Hoping that today Margo is feeling the benefit of her treatment in hospital, and perhaps can go home.

    Spoke to our Youngest last night and they are having a good time in Wales, yesterday having been to a Forest Park and also to a Go Kart track, where Tomasz had a ride with his father. We left them a toy glider to make and fly, so hoping that's going to be enjoyed, too.

  • Good Morning Everyone. Sunny intervals at the moment.

    Annette, I am craving a pizza at this hour of the morning :-)) OH can't eat cheese, because of migraines and a pizza without cheese is alien to me. OH loves various cheeses, but for the last few years has found it causes migraines. Sounds like a lovely, but rather tiring time for you, with the family.

    Linda, I don't recall you mentioning that you have had a ride on the Go Kart track. LOL  

    AQ, You seem to be recovering at a rapid rate. Well done. I laughed at your cotton wool remark. Daughter told OH not to let me move :-)) I have no idea how I injured my back or my shoulder. " No sense. No feeling ".

    Heather, As you say, Poole hospital have been wonderful in their care for Margo and it is so near to where she lives.
    Sounds as if you have been having a great time with your family. Enjoy.

    Diane, So sorry to hear about your brother. I do hope that everything works out well for him. Take care of yourself.

    OG, I guess you have now organised the return to your bedroom, post decorating, or has J been told that he can't return home yet LOL 

  • Brenda:   I thought you must have wrenched your shoulder when you mentioned it.  Strange.  I've had a sore ankle for ages, but thought I must have strained it sometime without realising it - I've been careful with it and its easing, now.

    We occasionally go to watch the youngsters raging around the Go Kart Track, but have never had a try, LOL!  We call in because they also have a lovely Farm Shop there where we buy their very local (you can see them in the next field) Welsh Black Beef from the Welsh Black Cattle.

    Off to do stuff - out to lunch tomorrow with Friend to compare notes on what we bought at the Flower Show over the weekend.

  • OG:  Hope the bedroom reorganisation is going well!

  • LINDY/HEATHER/ROSY  We both thoroughly enjoyed Andre Rieu 2016 at Vue cinema, and may well book for the Christmas concert on the 19th Nov. Lindy, I thought it was so good to see the ladies in the orchestra dressed in colour rather than the drab black as they usually are.

    We had a good day with OHs cousin yesterday. OH actually hadn't seen her since 1977. Amazing. They are in the UK for another 6 weeks or so, before returning to NZ and planning their move back to the UK. They plan on resettling in Devon so hope to see them again but may not. The person they are staying with in Nethy is an ex nurse and she knew my Dr friend from Fochabers.

  • Thanks to everyone who expressed concern for my brother. After reaching dangerous levels, his creatinine numbers are returning to normal and his kidney functioning has been restored. Further testing indicated that the renal failure was caused by inflammation of the pancreas. He was given IV anti-inflammatories and fluids. He was released from the hospital last night. Thanks again, all.

    Margo: I hope you are feeling better very soon. Sending you healing energy.

  • Diane - I'm so happy for you that your brother is recovering well. He must be grateful to the medics for spotting the problem, and acting quickly. You can perhaps, breathe more easily now (HUGS).

    Dibnlib - Good that you enjoyed the concert. We love the way they all dress up, and look so cheerful. I keep hinting to my OH that I would like to go to one of the live performances one day!  Edit:  It's a small world, isn't it.

  • Morning all: Kids drove off at 11 p.m. last night. I really don't like them driving overnight but Interstate 10 is always busy and many people drive at night during the summer to avoid the desert heat of the day. Anyway, g-daughter slept most of the evening here while I managed to keep Ms. D awake so she'd sleep on the ride home, but after such a busy day, I was getting bleary-eyed and finally turned things over to the Disney Channel. Ms. D fell asleep before they turned the corner from our house. Anyway, all arrived safe and in good time at 6 a.m. with Ms. D now at her Daddy's house for two days and G-daughter taking a nap at home before going in to work late. Don't ask me how she does it - oh wait, she's still in her 20s. A lovely visit with a couple of pix to come.

    Diane: Good to hear your bro has been released. Scary that conditions like that can develop so quickly.

    Brenda: They make small "personal" pizzas these days. In fact, I got a large one with Italian sausage, peppers, olives, onions, etc, etc for the grown ups and a small pepperoni and cheese for Ms. D, who scarfed it all up. Couldn't you get one for yourself (they're really good as a cold snack too) and toss something else together for your OH or would he lose control and go for the pizza?

    Oh dear, must confess I'm not an Andre Rieu fan so will duck as you all throw tomatoes at me. For a start, I wish he'd cut his hair... :-)

    Second load of laundry underway; the only other thing on my list for today is "nap in garden."

    Take care all.

  • Diane, So pleased to read your post and find that you have good news of your brother. Time for you to unwind now, if you have chance, while looking after the animals :-))