Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 17 July 2016

Happy New Week and Happy Full Moon on Tuesday!

  • We've had a lovely day in mainly sunshine, with the odd passing cloud which was very welcome.

    Came home after lunch, tired out after walking around the Flower Show and looking at so many things: have seen many beautiful displays, plus some smart outfits, and saw the BFG!  (The Big Friendly Giant!)  Took lots of pics to show later.

    Didn't buy any plants, but came home with a robin for the garden, and two red metal poppies to go with the three I bought last year. 

  • No rain forecast.  Sat in the car by the bowling club waiting for the heavy rain to stop so we could play our singles match.  Rain didn't stop ... came home ... beautiful sunny DRY afternoon and evening.  English weather!  Hope it's dry for tomorrow's President's Day.  Once again no rain forecast ... do I believe it?

  • Best not to believe forecasts at all, then every good day comes as a pleasant surprise!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • OG   Interesting about the dolphin. What a terrible skin lesion. Glad it appears to be healing.

    Lindybird,   Flower Show sounds good. It is tiring walking around, trying to see everything. Do you mean people in smart outfits? I don't think 'smart' for a flower show. Comfort is the priority for me. (perhaps it shouldn't be)!

    Look forward to the pics.I think I would like to see the BFG film.

    Hope you have a good rest, Annette, before the next invasion. Leaping out of bed at 5.30 am? Well done! It must be good to see the family, though.

    It didn't actually rain here today, although it was cloudy all day. Wall to wall sun forecast for tomorrow, but said forecast seems to change by the hour.

  • Nothing much to say except thanks for all your news.

    Have a good weekend,all.

  • Rosy -  Yes, I meant smart looking people.  Although some looked decidedly odd :-)   I'm always fascinated by the choice of clothes, especially the ladies, at these kinds of things. We saw one woman twice, who had a huge frothy hat on she must have worn once for a wedding, as she had a summer frock too. Others turn up in sensible t shirts and walking trousers with a backpack, ready for the hard work of walking around. They can look as if off to climb a mountain.... Then there are the young ones in floaty frocks, pretty jewellery and sometimes, horrors, high heels!  Most unsuitable!  I wore cut off trousers with a flowery (appropriate, I thought!) T shirt and sensible flat shoes. My OH wore smart shorts and a short sleeved shirt, and carried our bag with cold drink, sun cream, hand wipes, etc. Later he had the robin in one hand, plus my poppies in the bag.  

    We stopped for an ice cream but decided to go home for lunch although there were a lot of food outlets. We were disappointed at the number of actual show gardens this year, there seem to be less and less, and more retail outlets.

    Then this evening we saw the TV programme about the Show. Monty Don agreed with us about which were the best gardens!

  • Just in bed, busy day with youngest family who arrived in time for lunch. Tomorrow will be at eldest daughter's home for a birthday lunch for Katie.

    Thank you for all your news, will endeavour to catch up tomorrow evening. Youngest family will spend one or two nights with eldest daughter and return here on Monday.

  • Enjoy the birthday lunch, Heather.

  • Hot and busy here again, now collapsed in front of TV. No idea what's on the agenda tomorrow.

    Lindybird: Too bad not enough gardens in this year's show.

    Heather: Sounds like busy family time for you too. Enjoy.

    Everyone else, have a good Saturday.

  • Good Morning, All.  Warm here after a rather hot night. Misty over the fields before the sun  comes out.