WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY JULY 10, 2016

Happy New Week all.

  • OG: Congrats to your grandson and your family!

    Lindy: I enjoyed your lovely photos. Great pics of Bonnie!

    Brenda: Feel better!!!

  • Diane:  Unprecedented intrigue and chaos? Count me in! Seriously, all the politicians who can't support Trump are avoiding the convention. But given this year, anything could happen.  I'm wondering if we'll have the same kind of violence as happened at 1968 Democratic Convention in Chicago.   Incidentally, I watched the Watergate hearings live (was at Cal State Long Bach then).  What drama! In fact, I saw All the President's Men again the other night and it didn't seem dated at all. Still very chilling too.  

  • Weather has improved, just cold now. Food shop excursion this morn with OH trailing. I had control of trolley; it served as a support! I now have basics in freezer for a quiche, chicken pie & casserole. I won’t be doing all at once but, when I feel fit & able, I shall make something with leftovers for freezer. I shall be glad to see the last of the packet meals.

    Yesterday Physio gave me a glowing report. Apparently I can, at 3 weeks, already bend knee to what is expected at 6 weeks. I told her with a grin, that I would have to give up doing exercises! New one added – standing up & sitting down using both legs equally . . . and no helping with hand push-off.

    I invited Travel Friend to collect me next week for a coffee & cake morn nearby. Of course we may chatter so long we have to have lunch out too.

    Our federal election has been resolved with one seat still remaining undecided (waiting for postal votes). He-Who-Called-Election has been returned with reduced majority – needs 76 to govern, expects to get 77, previously had 90. And in the upper house it will be worse with more strange odd-bods elected. Ho hum.

  • Good morning.

    Congratulations to your grandson and his fiancee, OG!

    A middling kind of day here, OH will probably go to the bowls, though.

    AQ- Now, don't be running before you can walk! Seriously, it is good to read that you are doing so well. Enjoy your time with your travel friend. Perhaps some planning for when you are fully mobile?

    Paper boy just been, he is late today, must have slept in!

    Have a good day, ALL. I hope that BRENDA is feeling a little less sore today.

  • Good Morning, All.   Sunny here, hooray!

    As AQ is also now reporting on political upheaval, I keep thinking of the Chinese saying "We Live in Interesting Times"  (really meant as a curse ~ "May you live in interesting times.....!")

    Good that you made it to the food aisles, AQ, and can now look forward to some home cooked meals again.  Well Done on the glowing report from the Physio!!   - it must be cheering to think that you will recover quicker than expected.   It'll be good to get out with your Friend for a chatter and hope it turns into lunch (a long lunch, LOL!)

    Diane:   You should understand more than most about all the political things going on around the globe, then...   I have no training whatsoever in anything like that, but find it interesting that there is such a lot of change afoot.  Perhaps everything was due for a shake-up.

    On a more domestic note, I see that Len Goodman the judge on Strictly has announced he will retire from the show - thankfully after this next series. Goodness knows who they will get to replace him.  I'm already looking forward to the next series, even though it heralds the winter, LOL!!

    Must go put stuff on the line whilst the sun shines.......

  • I see that Heather has been on whilst I've been wittering.  And she shames me that I forgot to mention Brenda, who is probably still suffering with her back - hope its easing, Brenda.

    Must go.....

  • Heather: I meant to say that I'm sorry about your grandchildren's disappointment. So sad.

  • Good morning, all.  Dyfi's Ceri has just fledged!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • LINDY - sorry that your friend's visit was cancelled. meant to say that, before.

    I know that MARGO watches Dyfi, hope that she saw Ceri fledging.

  • All okay - just busy (but not gardening - too painful).

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!