WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY JULY 10, 2016

Happy New Week all.

  • How lovely, Lmac.   So sweet.

    OG - Yes, our two dogs played energetically but nicely, with no actual biting but lots of "chase me" antics. We managed to get them into the garden before the rain started, which was later than forecast. Then they both slept for a bit, the guest under the table, before playing some more in the house. Meanwhile, my OH made both raspberry and blackcurrant jams successfully today, from what's been picked so far on the allotment.

    Friend and her OH came to pick up their dog at 3.30 after socialising, after a late morning service. All went well. The dirty marks on the kitchen floor here can be mopped tomorrow!

    Heather - You sound as if you have your hands full. Hope your daughter is OK: it's understandable that she's been under strain.

    I've started packing again, and paying bills etc.  We are off again on Sunday, after attending the Christening of little Delilah Rose who was born three months ago.  Then off, whatever time it is, to get to Wales to prepare our caravan for our Youngest and family the following week!

  • OG - Nice that you're able to book for some pleasant things to look forward to. Hope the decorating next week goes well!

    Annette -  Bonnie is usually a bit hyper when she gets home after exercise, but then calms down as the adrenaline falls - she often goes to sleep in a heap. 

  • I now see the military couple taking place in Turkey which now seems to be in lock down. Hope all holiday makers are safe

  • How lovely, Lmac, to find a deer in your garden. I only see them in the park,being a townie.

    I did see a cormorant on a boat on the river today though. I hadn't seen one for a long time. I haven't seen any cygnets this year, or ducklings.

    There were  a six gosling family, but the numbers reduced by two after a few days. Then another two disappeared. I haven't seen them since.

    Annette,  Your rescue centre sounds very interesting. Quite intensive work, though.

    I agree with OG, your writing skills might  be just what is needed.

    Heather, you do seem to be the 'go to' person. You are obviously too capable.

    I am sure the family are glad your are so accessible, though.

    Hope your back soon improves, Brenda. You have to be on form for that MOB role.

    OG, wishing you well for getting back to your gardening duties that you seem to enjoy so much.

    I have been busy doing 'this and that'. Nothing in particular, but it takes up a lot of time!

  • More worrying news, Lmac.  Things are not stable in these countries.

  • Rosy -  I know what you mean - we seem to be just as busy since we retired, as before!

  • Evening all:   Extraordinary events today in Turkey. Watched all the live coverage and now it's daylight there and things seem to be settling down somewhat. Amazing that we can watch history happening while cooking dinner and drinking wine. All a bit surreal really...

    OG: Our tomatoes are still very green. It was me who asked about the RA. Neither that or PA sound fun, but glad you're doing better. Smart to get tickets early. We have various "series" performances at one venue or another but I generally wait until the individual show tickets are available then jump on them.

    Heather: A shame about daughter's symptoms; it just adds to SiL's worries I'm sure.  Did his boss raise any hopes about job opportunities?  Here's to a good night's sleep with Amy.

    Lmac: That's some garden! Lucky you.

    Lindybird:  How long does it take you to get to Wales? Enjoy the Christening.

    Have a good Saturday all.

  • Enjoy the christening, Lindy! Long day here. I'll catch up later. Have a good weekend, everyone.

  • Heather B said:
    Did our usual Friday shop this morning. The checkout girl smiled brightly and asked me if I had any plans for the weekend...

    The question I dislike is "How's your day been?" It's early-ish, about 9.30-10 am. Well if you want to know, I've got up, had breakfast, grabbed shopping list, reached shops, wandered aisles to find where they've hidden things, hummed & ha-ed over horrendous meat prices, fought my way to the one&only open checkout 'cos store is too mean to pay extra staff. I just answer "Fine, thanks".

  • LOL, AQ!

    Good Morning, All.  Each morning we awake to sad stories of things in other countries. It's harder than years ago, when we had to wait for days whilst it all percolated through in newspaper reports, and it all somehow seemed less immediate.

    Wet again here, but the weather is supposed to be warming up and indeed drying up over this weekend.

    Annette- it takes us about two hours drive to reach our holiday home - first part through pretty Cheshire countryside, then a motorway leading us into Wales, then a fast road along the coastal part with good views of the sea as we get nearer, finally a busy part through Caernarfon, where they are now planning a bypass because of the heavy traffic in summer. We often take turns with an hours driving each so that one of us can relax.

    Food shopping today, plus some  packing for tomorrow, plus a quick trying on of outfits to decide what to wear for the Christening!