WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY JULY 10, 2016

Happy New Week all.

  • BRENDA. Hope the recovery continues.

    We had a great walk earlier 7 1/2 miles and the weather stayed fine. Lunch at Tiso and home now.

    Found an unwell bee on yesterdays dog walk. OH put it on a leaf in his pocket and bought it home. We gave it sugar in water which it drank and the bee can now walk fine but doesn't seem to want to fly. OH thinks it might have a damaged wing. It is distressing to see it not flying. Don't suppose anyone has suggestions?

  • Hello all - OG -hope that your pain has eased somewhat, today.

    BRENDA - Good to see you but not good about your back. What were you doing?

    ANNETTE - I seem to remember you telling us about the brilliant shoe shop, years ago. What a bummer that it has gone. Good luck with the trainers!

    DIBNLIB - Pleased that you got your walk today. I have been away from Inverness for most of the day - OH said it up to now it has been good weather. He has spent the day doing grass edges, deadheading etc. Always something to do. I spoke too soon, the rain has just been hammering down.

    Ex SiL is now saying that he will get Amy and Callum to Germany in the October holidays. To be fair, it is the first time that he has let them down this way. Not good enough for me, though :-(

    Thanks, everyone for your posts. The kitchen is calling me.

  • HEATHER   glad Callum and Amy will be going to see their Dad after all. You are so right, the rain certainly did hammer down.

    Got it slightly wrong about OHs friend and his charity bike push. He B&B ed in Wick last night and this morning rode from Wick to John O Groats before doing a quick turn round and starting his mammoth journey south. He thinks it will take him 2 weeks during which time he will celebrate his 60th birthday. Do hope it was a good stay in Wick as the rest of the time he will be under canvas.   A few days before he left home in Cornwall his dog Titch had to be put to sleep. Very sad indeed but I did have to smile.  This man is about 6ft 3 ins and has spent all his working life in the military, tooing and froeing between the army (Scots Guards ) and the RAF. His beloved Titch was a chihuahua!!!!!!

    Hopefully our bee has fledged!?!  When we got home from Tiso he was still pootling about on the patio. When Benson arrived on the scene, said B really got a spurt on.  Next time OH went into the garden....less than a minute later, he had gone and we haven't seen him since.  We are hoping the fact that there was some warmth in the sun did the trick and gave him the extra boost to take to the wing. 

  • Heather: I'll wait until Callum and Amy are en route in October (fares cheaper then, right?)  :-)

    Just watched clips of David Cameron's last Question Time - some very funny moments there; also his goodbye at Downing Street and Theresa May's first statement as PM.  During QT, someone mentioned possible job options for Cameron (Top Gear being one) but also an "opening across the Pond that needs filling."   I'm sure the anybody-but-Trump Republicans would welcome Mr. C with open arms.  :-)

  • That was a long walk, Dibnlib.  Hope your little bee survived in the end. I think you're probably right and the warmth of the sun warmed him up enough to get moving again.

    Likewise, I think you're right, Brenda, and some warmth on your back may help - I usually put a hot water bottle or similar behind me whenever I sit down if I've strained mine. But perversely, my OH often tries an ice pack......

    Lots of drama today in the media which also included an awful lot of "filling in" by journalists standing in the street at various locations. And no other news from around the world at all!

  • My Friend came around this afternoon and we watched a couple of things on our TV memory which she wanted to catch up on. Also saw a (very short) film on DVD of our wedding which I got copied from video a short while ago. Like watching someone else, seeing myself after all these years!  And my two tiny bridesmaids (my OHs nieces) are now middle aged with two children each of their own.

  • Been a funny day, then a phone call from Grandson#2, announcing his engagement!  He proposed at Lochleven Castle (of Mary Queen of Scots fame - aren't they all?) on Loch Leven near Kinross.  Very pleased to hear the news - they have been together about four years.  OH and I have met her - very nice girl, just graduated from Aberdeen Uni.

    Will try to catch up with replies tomorrow.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Lovely news for you, OG.  Best Wishes to them both.

  • dibnlib: Congrats on the bee rescue - what a tiny thing for your OH to notice. I love that he wrapped it in a leaf!

    OG: Even bigger congrats on Grandson #2's engagement. Any idea when they'll wed?

    Lindybird: I'd much rather watch reporters standing around on street corners in London than contemplate the upcoming spectacle of the Republican National Convention, to be held in Cleveland Ohio next week, starring DT himself. Yuk!  I plan to get lots of reading/video watching in. It looks like it's going to be a depressingly lively event, with security at an all time high. Yuk again.  (Made note to myself not to watch any old videos of me prancing about in my youth...)

    Off to sort out dinner and watch BBC News America with update on all the exciting changes....  :-)

  • Annette: I respect your feelings, but I will definitely be watching the coverage of the conventions. My degree is in both journalism and political science. I'm almost 60 years old, and I don't remember a more unsettling, unstable time in American politics during my life. Even during Watergate, the system held together. There could be unprecedented intrigue and chaos in (and out) of the convention halls. I'll have to watch.