WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY JULY 10, 2016

Happy New Week all.

  • Unknown said:
    Hello Everyone. Just read through all the posts for the last six days !! I hurt my back last Thursday, which has been rather painful. The anti-inflammatory tablets have helped, but I stopped taking them, as I they made me feel so sleepy.

    Ouch!  Sorry to hear that - are you still in less pain now you've stopped taking them?  I've missed seeing you about so it's good to see you back.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Not been on yet this week but hope everyone is feeling OK. Weather very changeable all round - hey ho its the British summer.

    Just at the end of today I see Brenda's post about her back, do hope that things are improving and that you are feeling a little more mobile, Brenda.

    Lindybird - - just seen the pictures of Bonnie and your neighbours dog. Bonnie looks so surprised in the second shot, just the way the camera caught her.

    We had our Womens' meeting Garden Party indoors as the weather was overcast and threatening. Lovely time had by all.  

    Friend starts her chemo at the end of July and will be having 6 cycles with each one every 3 weeks but we are all staying positive.

  • I am sending healing to OG and to Brenda. Hope you both feel better today!!!

    Annette: I think you will enjoy this short film. Do you want to move to Inishturk with me? LOL

  • Evening all: Thoroughly frustrating day - usually quiet neighbors went off in two of their vehicles at 4:30 a.m., but only after inadvertently hitting the Panic button on the key of one of their other vehicles. Finally got back to sleep but shopping was done in a foggy and somewhat cranky state.  Drove to the outlet center to find my favorite shoe store had just closed down!  Aaack.  Their nearest (non outlet) store is now in Los Angeles. I can buy them online, but I don't like buying shoes online - it takes trying so many to find the right fit. Anyway, toddled to the nearby Nike outlet and got a pair of "training" shoes (not sure what I'm supposed to be training for). At least they aren't in lurid neon colors, so won't feel like a clown in them. I saw some others in the store that looked like they were made out of crochet or macrame. Honestly. They're all made out of some synthetic that gives you hot feet in the summer and cold feet in the winter. Whatever happened to leather?  Will wear them around the house and see how they feel....   I really am an old fuddy duddy!

    dibnlib: I worked with a young woman who had a lovely dog she was (we thought) mad about. He went everywhere with her and she never stopped talking about him. Then one day she came into my office and was chatting and told me she'd given him away because "he was interfering with my lifestyle."  I asked her if she'd give away her children (she didn't have any them) because they'd be sure to interfere with it.  She stalked out of my office and never really spoke to me again (no loss to  me!).

    Lindybird: Re your relative's 12-year-old daughter and her Dad, that's sad, but not unusual.  I think Ms. D may have the same rude awakening about her own father at some point...   I can't get over the look on Bonnie's face in that second photo!  Priceless!  :-))   Maybe you guys need another dog to keep her busy?  Good to know your decor matches the dog, rather than the other way round.

    OG:  So impressed by your veggie garden. It must be wonderful to eat  homegrown potatoes.  Was it your RA that kicked up after the gardening?

    Clare: That video is a riot. What has that penguin been smoking? Wonder where it was filmed...

    Brenda: Are there no other anti-inflammatory pills you can take? There must be some exercises that might help prevent another injury once you get over this one.  Good luck shopping for wedding outfit.

    Lynette: Good to see you.

    Diane: Oh that's funny, except for the clips of (insert very rude word) Trump spouting his ignorant rubbish. But guess what. My Mom was Irish, which makes me an Irish citizen - and my daughter too (she was born in the UK), but would have to smuggle my grandkids across the border with me.  Loved the Trump pinata party! :-)  Can you imagine tiny Inishturk being inundated with American refugees?  Gosh, the entire country would have a hard time coping.  Add to that any number of Brits who arrive because they want to stay in Europe and then what!  The mind boggles.  We are indeed living in interesting times - alleged to be a sort of backhanded Chinese curse but no evidence confirming that source has been found (says Wikipedia).

    OK. Off to bed for me.

  • Lovely morning....I do hope it stays that way as we are planning to walk the Dochgarroch Loop. We will take waterproofs just in case.

  • Good Morning.  Dry here at present, wonder if I dare do laundry?

    Lynette - Best Wishes to your friend with her course of chemo.

    Annette - Lots of new kinds of shoes around - I love the new ones with memory foam type insoles as I'm only happy if my feet are happy. Agree about buying shoes online, which is a bit of a lottery regarding sizing. 

    Brenda - Sorry to hear about your back. I thought you were quiet but perhaps just busy. I know that some anti inflams have side effects: hope the pain is easing off.

    Bonnie was having a whale of a time in the photo, they play together so well with lots of "mock fighting" and I was pleased to capture the moment. We used to live three doors away from my Friend and her OH, but now they are 15 minutes away and they have a tiny walled garden. We have said that we will try to get together for some walks, as my Friend has been told to exercise her knee. Meanwhile, we're having their dog for the day this Friday whilst they go to a funeral.

    Didn't see Friend yesterday as something came up, but she may come today. Argh! It's just started raining!!!!.......

  • Good Morning. The sun is shining, but it does feel cool. Showers forecast, but OH has hung the washing outside for me. He is dead heading neighbour's roses before she arrives home again later today. She had a 70th birthday party last Thursday evening, which was wonderful. She used outside caterers for a superb meal. She then left on Friday morning for a celebration holiday with Family. I have had a houseful of her birthday flowers, which was a pity, as she couldn't enjoy them. I have kept most of them in a darkened room, so that I can 'sort' them and have as many as possible back in her house for her return home.

    Thank you so much for your kind wishes. My back is recovering, but I am trying not to do anything to aggravate the problem.

    I know I am so behind with all your news, but I will try to reply.

  • Good that your back is recovering, if slowly, Brenda.  How nice that you're able to rescue some of the flowers for your neighbour. My OH aggravated his back recently and is trying to take it easy now to let it calm down (I suspect that moving paving slabs last weekend didn't help!) We're never sure whether a bit of heat or some ice packs are the answer.

    When you're far behind with replies, it's often best to just not try to do any!  (We won't mind, LOL!)

  • I also hope that OG is feeling better.  Meant to say, OG , that I agreed with your remark that a few wildflowers as punctuation seem to make an outdoor scene look even greener!  

  • Thanks Linda. I have found that I have needed to keep my back warm. I resorted to wearing a fleece and when I was seated, I kept my feet raised on a footrest. LOL  If I got cold, the back pain became worse.