WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY JULY 10, 2016

Happy New Week all.

  • Birdie Num Num has now posted a great video of the fledging on the DU.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Good morning – gardening weather today – grass probably not dry enough to cut but plenty of dead-heading to do, tidy up spent salad leaf row, plant a few new plants (flowering thingy for pot, low-growing Hebe for front of shrub bed and Heuchera to replace one which failed) …. 

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Flowering thingy?  That's language I can understand!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Well, I did need to take a shower and eat some breakfast!  Even I can't keep one eye on the screen all day, LOL!

    Clare Bailey said:

    So sorry, Lindy - he did in fact go quite abruptly.  Even Moffer only just got captures of the event.

  • Perhaps we all need to have the live stream in our bathrooms.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Good Morning, Everyone.

    Well, it would be if it would dry up a little, here.   Its been so damp that as its summer, without any heating on, our towels on the rail in the bathroom have hardly dried from yesterday, and my showercap was still wet from 24 hours ago when I popped it onto my damp curls this morning!

    Last night I watched TV wearing a sweater, with a rug over my knees........

    Sorry you're suffering high winds now, AQ - horrible.  Sad that a man has lost his life.  Be careful if either of you go out! (except if your OH decides to go get that chicken dinner, LOL!)

    Lots of drama on the political front here, its certainly kept the journalists really busy for a couple of weeks now.  

    Must do housework this morning as Friend is coming over this afternoon to watch something on TV with me, and share some gossip.  She is very houseproud and her house is always spotless, in spite of having both a dog and a cat.  So off I go to get the duster.....

  • More pics before I go.......

    A lovely poppy which sets itself every year - it had three blooms this time, so pretty.

    One of my orchids is opening, new blooms every couple of days.  Its a shame they don't smell.

  • LINDY   What beautiful pics, thank you.

    We had a great day with friend yesterday. Mustn't leave it so long next time.  She was impressed by "The Kelpies" but then she hasn't seen the originals which surprised me as her sister lives not far from them. Next time she goes down to visit she will definitely make an effort to see them.

  • Hello all -

    What a shame, Callum and Amy no longer going to Germany, their Dad hadn't booked the flights earlier and now finds that tickets are 'too expensive'. Callum OK (he has other interests these days) but Amy is very very upset. I could help but have been told not to get involved. I thought British Army officers were gentlemen..... Sorry, just very angry.

  • Heather B said:
    I thought British Army officers were gentlemen

    On getting any kind of promotion in the British Army you're immediately encouraged to thoroughly look down on the people you outrank - and the whole Army culture is based on considering yourself better than absolutely everyone else.  I'm so sorry for Callum and Amy but I'm not surprised by their dad's behaviour.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.