WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY JULY 10, 2016

Happy New Week all.

  • Morning all:  Well congrats on a lady PM - I think!   And a challenge from another woman on the other side. Hope it bodes well.  

    Back to normal with nice walk first thing, then an hour up the tree (orange). Now have paperwork, then lunch, then library trip (no book to read - calamity!), then Food Bank with orange tree booty and then to yoga. Glass of wine after all that.

    Heather: First of all, thanks for absolution from guilt for my two-plus days as a couch potato.  Would not like to make a habit of that.

    AQ: I'm sure I remember Miss4 not liking something.  Spinach? Broccoli?  Congrats on your shower.  Suggest next time you want chicken and chips, wrap wooly scarf around OH's neck and help him out the door.  :-)

    OG: Good you're back to normal. I tend to add color in cushions, etc.  We are boring cream throughout here.

    Lindybird:  I immediately saw sailing  ships in your wall sculpture, but birds are a good option too.  Love those shots of Wales; makes me want to go there.  Do you remember, as kids, holding something yellow under someone's chin to see if they liked butter?

    dinblib: Wow, 23 out of 25 is impressive.

    Must get organized.

  • Annette - Worry about you climbing trees just to get oranges. Pity they're not more like apples and you could just wait for them to fall. Yes, I clearly remember doing that with a buttercup when we were young!  The field shown was rather damp, with a stream running alongside it, which I could imagine in winter flooding the area, so it wasn't suitable for crops or even for sheep.

    We were telling our son yesterday that when we were in Wales recently, the young lambs were now stroppy teenagers, the gorse had finished flowering except for a few late flowering varieties, and the cottages and houses were all festooned with jolly Welsh flags because of the excitement of the football World Cup.

    Dibnlib - I can't remember the name of a single friend from school that long ago, now. Only names I remember are those of the children who lived next door to us and who we shared our toys and games with:  Marilyn, younger than me, and Rodger, slightly older.  Wonder where they are now?  (We moved away when I was 9 years old).

    I remember a few of the children in my class when we were older: in fact, I got in touch with two or three through the Friends Reunited site a few years ago. One boy had gone on to do well, and then emigrated to New Zealand where he was running a huge sheep farm!

  • Hello- a quiet day here. OH went to optician, second cataract is ripe and ready for removal. Stepson, wife and granddaughter dropped in this afternoon and we sat and chatted until OH got home. Granddaughter home from uni for the summer and is a bit bored. Happily she has been offered a few days work each week, in her aunt's jewellery/gift shop. Probably unpaid but at least gets her out of the house!

    Callum is probably going to work on our ancient car tomorrow, when it goes into the Audi garage for service. He now has three cars (!) One he has done up a bit and will sell, second he has taken off the road and third he has just bought. An entrepreneur in the making? He and Amy are off to Germany next week to see their Dad.

    I have cleaned the oven today:-(  Hate that kind of job, so boring but couldn't leave it any longer.

    LINDY- like the wall art very much. I saw sails first!

    OG- flowers on our small amount of beans in a tub but I'm not holding my breath. There was a solitary bee working on basket flowers nearby and I ordered him to move to the bean tub...

  • Alternately sunny and black sky here – no rain since before dinner.  Supposed to be more settled tomorrow.

    Annette – do take care up the tree – followed by a very active day!  I saw fish in Lindy’s picture – but that could be because the shapes are similar to a print we used to hang above our fish tank a while back.

    Linda – I have a whole-school photo from my infant days, when our village school still had up to age 15, and can probably still name them all – many of them related to one another.

    Heather – will OH be happy to have the second cataract done?  Sorry his Granddaughter is bored, our youngest (16) decided that she must do something while waiting for GCSE results, so volunteered for back stage work in a big pageant-type production (Kynren) in Bishop Auckland, and was thrilled to end up on stage instead, at weekends through the summer.  I hope the car survives its service.  Callum seems to be doing well;  I hope he and Amy will enjoy their trip.

    Patio Buddleias (small variety for tubs) are in full bloom, but too windy for Butterflies; however, Bees are enjoying them!  Have had another very ordinary day; OH checked paint for next week: we have enough of the two grey shades, but he had to buy white for the ceiling.  J has booked his train journeys between the two girls.  No big plans for tomorrow – would just love to get out in the garden again.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Good evening Everyone,

    Yesterday's garden party went well. The sun appeared in the afternoon, after a damp morning, unlike today, when it bucketed down. Good that the Wimbledon Finals were yesterday.

    We thought we had far too much food, but grown up 'children' appeared, some to visit their childhood home. Everything then got 'hoovered 'up!

    Lindybird,   I first saw your wall decoration as sailing boats, and then when you mentioned it, butterflies.  Interesting, and definitely a conversation piece.

    I liked the buttercup fields pictures. It is a long time since I have seen one of those.

    I remember  fields of cowslips.  A lovely sight.

    Annette,  I think we are all envious of your orange tree. I am sure we would all love some fresh oranges. Do be careful when you pick them for us though!

    AQ  Glad to read that you are recovering quickly from your knee op. I like Annette's

    suggestion about helping your OH out the door, next time you fancy chicken and chips.

    Best Wishes to OG, Heather, Dibnlib and everyone else not mentioned.

  • Hallo all: No worries about orange tree. I'm on the mid-range oranges right now, using the small ladder but never going up it until it doesn't wobble at all and is near big branches that I steady myself with one hand while picking oranges with the other.  Will definitely have OH hold it if no handy branches. The large extension ladder is for the oranges on the top branches, but still have plenty in the middle right now.

    Lindybird: They do fall off, but are usually past their prime and often split on hitting the ground.  In fact, one did that when I was up there and I left it for the crows, which love them.  Here are some photos. One orange had a partial split but then the crows arrived and they managed to slice the darn thing almost in half and devour the interior. The second photo shows an orange that didn't look appetizing at all, and they poked a hole in that (their typical M.O.). Clever critters.   Re old school friends, I'm in e-mail contact with three of them and saw them on my last trip to the UK.  


    Heather: Hope your OH not going to worry about cataract work.  My grandson has two vehicles - he started like Callum, accumulating old ones and then making them (almost) decent.  Have you put a self-cleaning oven on your "deal breaker" list for the new kitchen.

    OG: Fingers crossed tomorrow will be a good garden day for you.

    Rosy: Glad weather behaved for the party. Next batch of oranges is for you guys.  :-)

    Off to Food Bank and yoga....

  • We haven’t blown away yet. Second day of strong gusty winds, rain, max 11 C, power outages in Adelaide Hills, trees down. One man died while clearing tree from road and another tree fell on him. We were woken this morn by planes taking off on short runway due to wind direction – closer to us and increased power needed for lift off. OH decided not to go out for lunch today!

  • Good morning, all.  Just to let you know Willow has just fledged!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Aaah!  - I said he would today!  Thanks Clare (it would happen when I'm not watching....)

  • So sorry, Lindy - he did in fact go quite abruptly.  Even Moffer only just got captures of the event.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.