WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY JULY 10, 2016

Happy New Week all.

  • Strange day - unusually full of sport as I don't often take an interest in that kind of stuff.  Rain stopped for a few hours so we at last managed to feed all our veg again.  Of course, Courgettes are growing like there's no tomorrow, Cucumbers keeping pace with what we need, Tomatoes going red, Runner Beans flowering (my favourite veg of all) and the Pea plants are recovering from Sparrow damage and managing to flower at last!

    J has been persuaded to go away for a whole week 18th July onwards so that we can paint our bedroom - will drive to his first Sister, train from there to second, train back again and then drive home.  Train ticket to Inverness cheaper from Durham than from Carlisle - just need to pray that train strike delays will be over!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Just watched Portugal win it's first ever Final, which was uneventful until the last 15 minutes.

    Lindybird: Oh sorry you missed the tennis. Make sure you organize next year so no chance of men intervening.

    dinblib:  Have a nice time with friend tomorrow.

    OG: Sounds like my day here. Now it's just gone 3 and there's still time to do stuff, but you know how tired you get sitting doing nothing. Back to normal tomorrow.  Oh joy - a week of house painting. Are you going to change colors?

    Really must rouse myself....

  • Unknown said:
    Now he's yelling again.  Hope I'm not offending Andy's die-hard fans, but he does seem to be snarling at times.

    Annette - I’m so glad I didn’t watch any tennis if that’s how behaviour still. BTW you must be thinking of someone else - Miss4 has always loved Kindy. Her usual comment arriving home “That was the best day EVER”.


    Linda - This morn I had decided it was close enough to 3 weeks (tomorrow), dispensed with plastic bag over wound in shower, and had a wonderful long hot shower. Then Dau + 3 dropped in to entertain me! Knee just a little sore still. I had to watch for sudden hugs from wee ones.


    OG – Kids here don’t start school until the beginning of year after they turn 5. Miss4 will be 5 in Oct, hence school next Feb. The twins will be 5½ before they can start school. By then they will be so bored with kindy but the Powers-That-Be have made the rules.


    Last night it was OH’s turn to get tea. I suggested chicken & chips from local shop. That would last 2-3 meals and maybe enough scraps for chicken soup. When it came time, he was cold, too cold to venture down street (even in car) and we had a packet meal from freezer. One we’ve had before but I didn’t enjoy it this time, thinking of the tasty roast chicken <sigh> I didn’t tell him, just ate it.

  • Good morning.  Back to feeling “fine” now.  Monday morning, OH local shopping, towels in the washing machine, no ironing to do, J pottering about “tidying” his room … and all the usual weather, although showers are much lighter and the wind has dropped.

    Dibnlib – enjoy visit from Friend.  Lunch sounds lovely (but I don’t like couscous).

    Annette – good that you have been enjoying relaxing in front of TV sport this weekend – I’m sure the oranges will wait for you!  No colour change in the bedroom – did decide on which shades of grey – having one darker wall behind the bed (colour is in fabrics – will have curtains cleaned while decorating, but will need to replace them some time later, and then change bedding to match).

    Linda – pleased you had a good time with little Matthew – I guess Tomasz was busy playing with friends now he is a big boy!  Pity you had to leave early for the football.

    AQ – nice to luxuriate in shower instead of quick in and out – also good to enjoy a social visit from the little ones.  Grandson#2 had to wait to start school at a later age than big brother, but he has done just as well through school and uni, with a good job at the end of it.  Sorry about the less-than-tasty meal from OH’s kitchen duty – maybe chicken tonight?

    J has gone out – said he will definitely be home for a bacon sandwich – I hadn’t even remembered that was on the menu for lunch; maybe I ought to go and get “my wits about me”!


    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Good Morning - or is it officially afternoon once it's this late?  - I never think its afternoon until I've had some lunch!

    Pouring rain here again - ugh.   No walk for Bonnie this morning, my OH decided to sit at the table and do his Tax Return instead.  He has gone out now geared up for all the wet, in his damp golfing gear to take Bonnie for a run.  I shall expect them both back soon, looking sorry for themselves. (and of course, when he left the table to go and make himself a coffee, guess who ran off with his Important Documents?  - took two of us to round her up before they got too soggy!)

    OG:  Tomasz was very busy "supervising" the grown ups with their cement mixing and slab moving.  They mended several loose bricks in ornamental walls and changed some of the patio slabs around so they were safer.  Thankfully he didn't get in the way too much.  I was resigned to not seeing the Tennis Final as Dau.in Law is not particularly bothered, plus we couldn't have chosen a worse weekend for sport!  I was hoping to see some of it when we got home but had to content myself with just seeing the tiny bit they show of his victory, on The News (bah!)

    I hope the decorating goes well and you can then enjoy your finished room.  Much easier when there is somewhere to put everything, when you have a whole room to do!  Our dining room looks clean and tidier now, I doubt if anyone will notice that we've done it even except that the wallpaper doesn't look so shabby where Someone had chewed it.  Here is a picture of the wall decoration I said I would post on here:  

    It is about 2 feet deep by 3 feet across, and I put it in the middle of one wall to show it off - it's made of a coppery burnished metal.

     I like it because it suggests movement:   The shapes can be what you want - birds, butterflies, even sailing ships :-)  

    The wall doesn't look yellow for some reason, maybe the flash photography.

  • AQ:  Sorry you didn't get your chicken dinner.   Pity you can't get it delivered, LOL!!

    We start children during their 5th year here:  Tomasz went before he was five.  He was the smallest child in his class, though, physically.  He finishes his first whole year soon, and they are eagerly awaiting the first ever End of School Year Report.   He has caught up with his reading and is now ahead of some of the others in the class, and his handwriting has improved lately, so we are hopeful it will be a good report.  The official School Photograph of his class shows several rows of neat children in scarlet sweaters and grey trousers and skirts, all looking very tiny to be in school at all!

  • Here is a field of buttercups we came across whilst in Wales a couple of weeks ago:  so lovely to see them how they were in our childhood, just left to bloom.

  • Linda – how lovely that Tomasz had “man-time” with his Dad and Granddad while you entertained Matthew.  I like the wall-art piece – I can imagine the yellow wall behind it, even though the flash made it look blue.  Enjoyed the field of Buttercups – I always think some flower colour in a meadow make the countryside green look even greener!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • LINDY   Friend (who came for lunch) and I went to infant school together in the small village where we grew up. We then went to primary school in the next larger village. She unearthed a P5 school photo and between us we were able to identify 23 out of the 29 pupils in the pic.

    OG glad you are feeling better.

  • LINDY  like the wall art and can see in it all the things you mentioned....very clever indeed.