WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY JULY 10, 2016

Happy New Week all.

  • Annette – Thank you for starting a new week. I have some overdue replies! Twins are 2 y 1 m. Miss4 loves Kindy. She must be busy there all day as Dau has a stack of paintings and constructions to bring home each time.


    OG – The knee dressing was supposed to stay on for 3 weeks. It was waterproof except where, oops, a corner curled up. I am keeping wound dry & lightly bandaged for next few days. OH won’t look at it!! I hope you are feeling better by now. [Later] Ah, you are recovering. Would you like to clean out my pantry cupboard? It has had no attention for months!


    Margo - Wonderful to hear from you. I’m drooling over your meals out. Meals have improved here as I am cooking again. Packet/frozen meals are all very well but boring after a while.


    Heather – I enjoyed “Riddle of the Sands” on one of my UK trips. It was small and something to read when alone evenings in B&B . I usually discard books along the way but I had to bring that one home.


    We’ve had some chilly nights, down to 3 C and a lot of rain this week. Max 13-14 C. Last night strong winds & storm damage in some parts (not us) with more expected today. Making sausage rolls for lunch, with enough spare to go in freezer. It’s high time I replenished the homemade “supplies”.

  • AQ:  Good that Miss 4 settled down in Kindergarten; she wasn't so keen initially.  Sounds like your getting back into a normal routine.

    Lindybird: Have a good trip to see youngest.

    Rosy: Oh I hate it when you have to say goodbye to long-distance family!  :-(  Sounds like a nice July 4 party.  How's your OH doing? Hope no rain at Wimbledon tomorrow for the men's final.

  • Good Morning.  Up early as off on our visit this morning.

    Surprisingly cold, there, AQ!  It's a pain trying to keep an operation wound dry when you try to keep clean in the shower. Here, you can buy "tubes" of plastic stuff which you can cover it with. You sound as if you're getting back to normal routine already: don't over do it though.

    Have a good Sunday, everyone.

  • Rosy – sounds like a lovely international community where you live.  Sorry about all the hospital appointments with OH.  You will miss your Granddaughter now she has returned back over the Pond, but it sounds as if you have plenty to keep you busy!

    Linda – sorry I guessed the wrong Son – pleased you have plans made with the younger one.  Have a good day today – and safe travelling.

    Annette – thanks for starting the thread – and I know Diane will have appreciated it as she has a tight deadline for work.

    AQ – time is passing fast with the Twins, and am pleased Miss4 now likes Kindergarten – when will she go to “real” school?  Glad my OH didn’t mind seeing my knee wound in 2007 – he had to help with dressings for a few days after the breast op last winter!  And I must admit he had to do most of the work with cleaning freezers yesterday – and no nasty surprises lurking in either this time!  I did throw away the oldest herbs, as they all had newer ones available.  Good to see you are back to full cooking duties – but do let him help and don’t stand too long.

    Haven’t heard anything of Brenda in the last few days – I expect she is busy with the wedding prep – does anyone remember which month that is, I only remember her saying “summer”?

    OH is going to church on his own today; I think it is likely to be a small congregation as the minister is at Assembly in Southport and a lot of people are away.  J is also staying at home with me, and we have to think of a lunch for the three of us as we had thought we would be out somewhere (dinner is already planned for the evening).

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • PAT O    There are actually 4 Brits in the finals at Wimbledon. Andy and Heather of course, also Gordon Reid who won the Wheelchair doubles final yesterday and is in the wheelchair final today. and another in the women wheelchair final today, not sure whether that is doubles or on her own. We are about to watch Gordon in his match.   Started the day with a canal walk so can relax in a chair this afternoon and savour every minute of the tennis.

  • OG - I had the same dilemma yesterday and ended up with omelette and salad! I find omelettes very rich and only eat them occasionally because of that. I like them with 'fine herbs' but OG likes ham, mushroom or cheese in his.

    Unknown said:

    Rosy – sounds like a lovely international community where you live.  Sorry about all the hospital appointments with OH.  You will miss your Granddaughter now she has returned back over the Pond, but it sounds as if you have plenty to keep you busy!

    Linda – sorry I guessed the wrong Son – pleased you have plans made with the younger one.  Have a good day today – and safe travelling.

    Annette – thanks for starting the thread – and I know Diane will have appreciated it as she has a tight deadline for work.

    AQ – time is passing fast with the Twins, and am pleased Miss4 now likes Kindergarten – when will she go to “real” school?  Glad my OH didn’t mind seeing my knee wound in 2007 – he had to help with dressings for a few days after the breast op last winter!  And I must admit he had to do most of the work with cleaning freezers yesterday – and no nasty surprises lurking in either this time!  I did throw away the oldest herbs, as they all had newer ones available.  Good to see you are back to full cooking duties – but do let him help and don’t stand too long.

    Haven’t heard anything of Brenda in the last few days – I expect she is busy with the wedding prep – does anyone remember which month that is, I only remember her saying “summer”?

    OH is going to church on his own today; I think it is likely to be a small congregation as the minister is at Assembly in Southport and a lot of people are away.  J is also staying at home with me, and we have to think of a lunch for the three of us as we had thought we would be out somewhere (dinner is already planned for the evening).

  • Sorry, didn't mean to quote your whole post!

  • So sorry, dibnlib - you are quite right.  I caught the last couple of points of the wheelchair singles, and really wish I had seen more.  And I gather there is at least one Brit in the wheelchair doubles later.  But I am only in for an hour or so and then out until late this evening, so guess I'll miss both Andy and Heather.  Bad timing - must remember to set the video!

  • HEATHER - we ended up with Eggs, too!  No shopping, well-packaged and safe, easy to cook!

    PAT O - Men's wheelchair final was exhilarating, half-Brit pair a set up now in Women's wheelchair doubles.  A great Wimbledon for Britain.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Morning all:  Settled rather groggily in chair in front of TV with first cuppa coffee and (already) two cookies before I wake up and can organize real food. Looks like pretty nice weather at Wimbledon. Right now it's 2-1 Raonic.