Hello everyone,we have had a mixed day here at LG. Weather has been mixed but unfortunately no ringing, tagging and naming took place. We are still awaiting official word of when and if they are going to go ahead this year. As far as we know they will be R&T and naming them but when that will be is anyones guess. We will have to wait for the official confirmation and just be patient that bit longer.
The three are a bit restless, stretches, fidgiting, but at present are sitting low in the nest. Do take a look at ChrissyB's photo's in yesterdays blogs. Apologies if I've got the name wrong, I'm doing my best to remember who posted them.
After saying they were sleeping two are now up and wing exercising whilst one stays firmly sitting
Happy viewing and we await with anticipation what the morning will bring.
RSPB Giving Nature a Home
Some serious wing exercising going on, one of the even took off to the other side of the nest. The middle pic is where it took off from the camera end of the nest to the other side.
Hi Lynette, Great captures. I was watching and thought it could be on it's 'maiden' flight then. It was very determined.
All resting again after the frantic exercising that went on.
Back later, things to do.
NEW BLOG from Richard .... no ringing/tagging/naming this year :-(((
Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!
Index Thread
Morning all ... very late looking in this morning, and just read the blog from Richard ... very disappointing, but understandable.
Thanks to all for overnight and morning posts. Seems to be raining at LG now so that should keep them quiet for a while.
DjoanS, There's a blog from Richard? I'm not seeing it - do you mean a brand new blog, or a comment under the old one?
I can't find it either Djoan S
Oops found it :(
What a shame no ringing or tagging, but it has certainly been very windy here and no one wants an accident. Just such a nuisance our unreliable weather chose to be so windy this week.
DJOAN S AND HAZELWOODS guess you will have found it by now.. New blog. To end the uncertainty posted by Richard today
sorry I misread.That should have read SUE C AND HAZELWOODS