Hello everyone,we have had a mixed day here at LG. Weather has been mixed but unfortunately no ringing, tagging and naming took place. We are still awaiting official word of when and if they are going to go ahead this year. As far as we know they will be R&T and naming them but when that will be is anyones guess. We will have to wait for the official confirmation and just be patient that bit longer.
The three are a bit restless, stretches, fidgiting, but at present are sitting low in the nest. Do take a look at ChrissyB's photo's in yesterdays blogs. Apologies if I've got the name wrong, I'm doing my best to remember who posted them.
After saying they were sleeping two are now up and wing exercising whilst one stays firmly sitting
Happy viewing and we await with anticipation what the morning will bring.
RSPB Giving Nature a Home
Hang on , EJ is also on the nest at present.
This is what they get up to at night!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi everyone.
Thanks for starting the thread Lynette. Thanks to all for the informative posts and absolutely awsome pictures on yestarday's Daily Update. Top quality as per usual. Would've posted earlier but had plenty domestic chores to do, so could watch but got sidetracked from posting. Pity about the ringing & blinging not going ahead yestarday but there's still time, even though the window is very narrow now. Anyway enough of my blabbering. Here's a pic.
Warning! This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar. Approach with extreme edginess.
EJ standing guard over the Night-Owls who are all standing up preening and other teenage things.
EJ's just flown off. It's lovely to watch her looking at her brood. It's almost as if she thinking: "They'll be fleding soon, and it doesn't seem minutes ago that they were tiny"
Very early morning preening contest.
It's daylight now, so the GEMs are having their beauty sleep.
Evening all: Thanks again Lynette! And Hi Heron.
Just logged on to see "that" chick already up and flapping up a storm. Daren't leave the computer these days.... Other's seem not to be that impressed with siblings antics. No sign of EJ.
Flapping chick is taking a break - managed to step on one sibling and has now gone to lay down between the other two - never mind that there was no room! Just barge on in there!
Hi Annette. It's brilliant to watch when one of the youngsters does a major wingercise and the siblings look as they're say: "Aye awright, very good. Noo gie it a rest will ye." Endless entertainment with birdsong acompianment. You can't beat it.Paul.