WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY, JULY 3, 2016

Welcome to a new week.  Hope ALL the familiar faces will show up this week!  :-)

Go back to page 8 of the previous thread to see Mike's link to the question: How do you free a Golden Eagle caught up in a very high tree without the use of a ladder?   Page 9 shows Bowie posing for his closeup.  OG and EE are busy shooting at cats and cheering on Housemartins in the midst of home repairs (the birds that is). 

Brenda: Well, there always seems to be one lavender bush that I missed!  I have to tidy them up and take off all the dead blooms once during the summer, then in the winter, I whack 'em all back by a third. Trouble is, they're all getting old and woody.  

OH and I bought tickets to a concert tonight - Jean-Yves Thibaudet is playing Rhapsody in Blue and since the Music Academy is hosting the show, the tickets were super cheap. But now we're looking at each other and thinking we'd rather stay home in our comfy togs and relax. But no. Must hose off and rise to the occasion.

Was amazed that Djokovich got knocked out at Wimbledon so early. Shocker!

Have a good Sunday everyone.

  • Hey Lmac - just to make us jealous, lovely pics though.

    AQ - how brave and full of perseverance you are. I was quite fortunate in that I didn't need a lot of painkillers after the initial doses. Had the push button one with morphine but found it started to make me nauseous so asked for it to be stopped. I think they put me on paracetamol, can't remember. Your certainly need a gold star.

    Annette - glad you enjoyed the celebrations despite a hiccup.

    It was fantastic news about Juno and the successful launch into the orbit of Jupiter.

    Murray finally won his match after Tsonga made him work for it. Ended about 8.40pm.

  • Heather: You must have a lovely welcoming home; everybody seems to gravitate to it for any and all occasions!

    Lynette: That was a great match. I think we'll be seeing more of Tsongas.

    Lindybird: Hope your OH doesn't overdo things.

    Just back from library where out local water district hosted a talk on Gray Water systems (seems very complicated to install); tomorrow they'll do Rainwater Harvesting (rain?). Friday the Wildlife Rescue folks have got another training session, so a busy week. Was planning a Escape to Target shopping day, but that'll have to wait until next week.

    Have a good Thursday all.

  • Good morning, ALL. Church lunch today; OH has volunteered to help, so he is going early and will fetch me later.  So I'll be pottering about here and then making myself presentable.  Hope he may be able to mow second part of front lawn this afternoon - he did first part yesterday (or maybe day before), before we had some drizzle.  He also needs to go to the tip soon.  I have some paperwork which I really should do.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Morning are we thinking Murray Federer final. I am a huge huge Federer fan but being Scottish others can't understand why I wouldn't cheer Murray. Oh decisions decisions. I think they will both have tough semi's given they both made hard work of the quarter finals.

    Hope you are all well this morning and those of you who are poorly hopefully your day will be good with respite from pain.

    Heather for a chain restaurant I love Zizzi, the food is fresh cooked to perfection and piping hot. I hate the normal sloppy cold pasta that gets served in many Italian restaurants.

  • Good Morning, dry here so I'm searching our clothes for something to add to a couple of pairs of trousers already lurking in the w.machine.  Have to take advantage of every dry day nowadays!

    Annette:  My OH is someone who loves to be busy.  But he has had a new habit lately, and is reading more books - over the years, he has only ever read books on holiday but is now indulging himself in enjoying them on an almost daily basis. When we met, I was the Reader and have long moaned over my lack of time to go and get lost in a book but I still don't seem to get back into them now, as there always seems to be something waiting to be done.  I agree that Heather seems to have such a welcoming house:  she must be a good host!

    OG:  Enjoy your Church Lunch.

    Lmac:  Definitely a Murray/Federer final, how exciting!   Federer seems a nice guy, but I always cheer for Andy.  Why the UK can't produce more champions I really don't know.

    OH has gone to golf, and I'm trying to catch up on things.  Must go and get some food in the house, we ate a frozen dinner last night. I feel much better but still get tired easily.

    Have a good day, Everyone.

  • ps.  After the Murray match, I joined in watching Wales playing last night - what a shame they didn't manage one goal, even though they wern't really expected to win.

  • Good morning -

    Sunshine but maybe showers later. OH off to the bowls after a strange night here! I had earphones in listening to radio, and he suddenly said that there was a noise in his head. he couldn't tell me whether it was a rushing noise ( he does get tinnitus at times) or what. It wasn't in his ears, it was definitely in his head, he said. It was very difficult to deal with his rapidly escalating anxiety. Suddenly, the noise stopped. He dozed on and off, then complained that he could hear sound coming from my headphones. This has never happened before as he is so deaf especially without hearing aids. So I switched the radio off. He has gone out this morning, apparently his usual self. He had his B/P checked a few months ago, maybe he should go back. The medics are wonderful with him, I have to say and always give him tests for whatever is ailing him. Apart from when he had colon cancer in 2004 every test has shown nothing untoward. This anxiety is worsening, I'm afraid. He is going to be 86 in December and every ache or pain he gets nowadays is, in his mind, 'The End'. And this is the end of my ramble. Sorry.....

  • OG - enjoy your church lunch!

    It is good, LINDY to hear that you are improving, day by day. That must have been a very nasty bug.

    Sorry that Wales lost the match last evening but it was lovely to hear that the team went over to the stand after the match and thanked their supporters, who sang loudly to them as only the Welsh can do! I wish that I had seen it. I threw everyone out at 10pm last night, Callum and his Mum both had to get up very early for work, both start at 8am, ditto son in law.

    Lmac - The lunch in Zizzi was indeed good and freshly made. The only complaint came from Amy, who ordered bruschetta and was disappointed that the tomato topping was crushed cherry tomatoes and not chopped cherry tomatoes! Alison had tomato, basil and mozzarella  followed by a salad - chicken, avocado, grilled proscuttio (can't spell it) green leaves, shaved parmesan cheese, croutons and cherry tomatoes. I had bruschetta followed by grilled butterfly prawns with garlic, served with baby watercress.

    I'm procrastinating again, must go and vacuum downstairs.

    Looking forward to hearing from MARGO xx

  • I'm looking forward to hearing from Margo, too.  

    Heather:  So sorry you both had a bit of a fright last night.  It always seems worse somehow, in the dark hours.  Perhaps he should get it checked out, just for peace of mind.  My OH has tinnitus but says its not enough to bother him:  he only hears it when its quiet or he's trying to sleep.  I notice that now he's beginning to get rather deaf if anyone speaks to him from behind.  It is bound to be worrying for you both with his age now, but there is no reason why he can't enjoy life without feeling that every ache and pain is going to be serious (and he's bound to have some).  {{HUGS}}

    ---- Nice to hear about your lovely lunch with the family.  We watched the Wales match (me, after watching Murray at Wimbledon first) and the supporters were indeed amazing and the singing makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up, they are so moving.

    ps.   I just thought about it - I saw a medical programme once where the Docs said that if we could hear all the things going on in our bodies, we would be deafened by them, so there is a mechanism which shuts this internal noise off.  I notice that when I have a cold and my ears are bunged up, I can hear all kinds of sounds in my head, including sometimes my heartbeat!   I think that your OH had a temporary blip in this and was frightened by hearing things we don't usually become aware of.