The osprey season is in full swing.  The two chicks at Loch Garten have been examined, ringed and named and other nests in the area are following along in due time. 

We are glad to be following two healthy juveniles named Willow and  Rowan.

  • Sorry for going AWOL these days.

    Just back from Varna in Bulgaria and straight off to Korea and Japan. Another vessel to do commissioning work on FLNG PRELUDE the largest vessel and construction ever to be built in the world.

    I will have time hopefully not to say goodbye yet to the ospreys as I should be back to see some tardy ones in a weeks time. Its a nice day so off to Strathallan and LOTL. The evening is nice in the hide at LOTL.

    I do not know what is happening to these cam visitor sites now hearing of W7 in trouble at Glaslyn. I am very aware these things that hit Ceri at DOP and T6 at Rutland and now W7 happen all over nests in Scotland along with Buzzards (Lochter) and Magpies at LDOP.

    We do wish that when T6 and W7 leave they will be in better shape and able to catch fish.

  • BLUE 24 just popping in to say HELLO to her cousin on the Main Dyfi Nest.

    I am sure Glesni will chase her when she gets back and will have to go back to sitting with Monty on the other nest. She had been sitting with him earlier. Maybe she whispers in Monty's ear give me a present like Tegid.

    A NICE HELLO - Picture from DOP Facebook Post.

  • Unknown said:

    KEITH said "Just had time to look for osprey news as I had to fly out to Varna in Bulgaria to survey an LPG Ship coming in to dock. Will be home Tuesday evening"

    Keith, guess I will never understand what you do for a living.  You climb towers in Wales, you fly helicopters to Lerwick, you watch the manufacture of engines in Paris so you can install them someplace else, you joke with the office staff  somewhere in the great Sahara, you wait for a startup on Bioka Island, you attend carnivals in Germany and on and on.  Now the most intriguing hint of all - You survey a ship in Bulgaria.

    I will confess ( Just in case you don't already know it) that I always look forward to the next clue.

    It is what is called being AN ENGINEER.

    Having run a Nuclear Submarine for 20 years and an Aircraft Carrier this all comes easy.

  • Glesni did return to her nest after a spot of fishing and saw Blue 24 messing about in her nest so what did she do attacked her with her fish as a weapon.

    Monty just watched his ladies fight it out from his perch.

    These two Blue 24/Glesni amuse me.


  • W7 (Gaslyn female chick) has been taking fish from Mrs G, so things are looking up

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018

  • Good evening all. Good to see that W7 seems to be improving. Hope they are all fit and healthy before the migrate.