Dyfi Osprey Project - July 2016

They were Ringed yesterday. 30/06/2016

Girl Ringed  Z0 Named Ceri.

Boy Ringed Z1 Named Tegid.

© Dyfi Osprey Project.

"Birds are, quite simply, little miracles - and as such they require care and consideration."

Magnus Ullman

My Flickr account is here

  • We all know that certain visitor Ospreys have visited both these sites this year, could one of them be a carrier of a virus?

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • SunnyKate2 said:

    I really do wonder if there is a virus, i,e, Avian flu about, similarity among the affected chicks is uncannily similar.

    Although one would expect their siblings to have caught the same virus, I think. Just guessing...


    Thank you noc for commenting, I was beginning to think everyone ignored me as it was stoopid CHOL:):)


    Oh, no, not ignoring, everyone is just pondering and thinking to possible explanations for these unwell juvies across nests. I've no idea what's going on to be honest. Just keeping my fingers crossed for all of them.

  • I've actually been wondering if it's the heat getting to them.  Didn't a juvenile abruptly collapse and die on the Glaslyn nest years ago?  I'm fairly sure they wondered back then if her wingercising in hot temperatures was too much for her.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • After looking slightly more alert around 9am this morning, as reported by DOP, Ceri has now resumed the very haunched position with eyes closed. She needs to eat asap to avoid dehydration.

  • I've just checked into livestreaming - Tegid is currently tucking into a fish. Ceri is watching...  is she lining up for a mouthful? She seems interested. MOVE OVER TEGID!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • This is the scene at present. Tegid looks reasonably alert and is watching < I think.> Ceri.

    Turning her head and watching

    copyright DOP

  • Is this Ceri trying to encourage Tegid

     it would be nice to think so   He has now got the tail end of a fish and is eating it

    copyright DOP

  • oops thought I'd captured him flapping wings but not so.He is trying to get to terms with the end of the fish.

  • Hi Lynette it is Ceri that is poorly. But definitely more alert than yesterday