Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey Topics), 12 June 2016


Last week's Chat thread is here.

Seems like a lot of folks on this thread have been facing adversity of one kind or another. Sending you all best wishes and good energy.

Have a wonderful week everyone!

  • Get yourself up here pronto, OG! My poor OH has been waiting for ages for me to sew a new button on a pair of trousers. I've introduced the trousers to the sewing basket but that is as far as it has got...

  • That's a good start, HEATHER, but if that was me I wouldn't give them another thought until I was hiding the next thing in there!  But why you?  Surely he can sew on a button?  What did he do when he was on his own?

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • CHRISSYB   Glad the wedding went well.

    HEATHER   How fond of the trousers is he? Is there any chance that if you leave them long enough, he will give up and sew the button on himself?

    Swam 1/2 a mile this morning and will settle down soon to watch tennis.

  • Well, OG and DIBNLIB. What can I say?!! Most men of my OH's generation were not taught to sew by their mothers, or so I believe! Added to that, he did not do National Service because of having osteomyelitis so didn't learn there! His late first wife was a good seamstress (it is her sewing basket equipment that I use or rather, have in my possession)and never taught him. When she died, he tried to iron a shirt but gave up because it kept falling off the ironing board, so he says. So he employed a lady to clean the house and wash and iron. Presumably she did the mending, also! He did try to cook but not very successfully. So he bought from M and S. Then I came along.....

  • While I'm here. I have received a letter from my GP practice inviting me to have pneumococcal vaccine offered to over 65s. I can't decide what to do. I'm inclined to refuse, as I do for the influenza jab. The only medical condition that I have is positional vertigo. I rarely get the common cold and have never had a chest infection or indeed any other infection. My old friend Sheana always believed in strengthening her own immune system by eating healthy foods and letting her body fight infection. She was a vegetarian and lived until she was almost 98 as most of you know. Wonder what you think? Maybe the medical practice gets paid for every patient who accepts this.

  • Mike B said:

    Tim Peake landed.

    I was watching that, Mike - nice to know he's home safe, now. He seems a really great guy, and an example to the young ones. Also a great ambassador for the UK!

  • Not sure what I'd do Heather......  I didn't have the flu jab the first time I was offered it, but have had it since. I agree that leading a healthy lifestyle helps, but you have to weigh up your chances.   You know more about medical matters than most of us on here!

    Your experiences at school sound rather like mine: I liked biology, was interested in history but had a bad teacher, hated maths with a passion, loved English Lit and English Language. Did alright in Domestic Science and still use some of the cookery methods taught! -  much to my surprise after all this time!

    ps My OH can sew on a button, but not much else - he had three sisters and one of them taught him to knit!

  • HEATHER - I always accept all immunisations I am offered, but that is partly because my own immunity is suppressed by medications.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Just in from the garden, both tired but had to make the most of what turned out to be a lovely afternoon.

    LINDY- I  don't have what current advice would call a particularly healthy lifestyle:-( I ignore the advice we are given about what we should or shouldn't eat and drink. Genes must play a part as well as good old fashioned luck in deciding our health status . I certainly don't count up portions of fruit and veg or units of alcohol. We have a varied diet which is decided upon by our tastebuds as much as anything! I just can hear old Sheana saying that our bodies are programmed to fight infection. The only thing that she made a point of taking was Manuka honey!

    I must not forget though, that my OH' s leg was probably saved by penicillin in 1947, when he had osteomyelitis.
  • OG -I can quite understand why you accept immunisations and vaccs.