Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey Topics), 5 June 2016


Last week's Chat thread is here.

No time for a post or replies from me, folks. Really, really busy. I'm sending good wishes to all. Heather: I hope your daughter is improving.

Everyone have a wonderful week!

  • Story of my life, Brenda, but thanks.

    I have to go shopping early. It's predicted to be close to 100 F or 37.7 C today.

    Have a good day, all.

  • DIANE - stay cool!  Get back to your fan asap!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Is it Saturday now? - I'm not quite sure
    When I rise from my bed, the day has no allure.
    It could be a weekday, it may be not
    But what concerns me is, "Will it be hot?"

    I've crashed the lawnmower
    Which is rather a b**mer
    Now I'll need to raise
    Cash for another.

    The grass will grow~
    The weeds will flourish
    No doubt, in the house
    Dust will add to the rubbish ~

    Oh, save me from these boring chores
    I'd rather be just walking, outdoors
    Talking to the Red Tailed Kite, or
    Listening to the birds at night.

    Far away, in London Town
    They talk of rain which is coming down.
    Their Queen is radiant in her carriage -
    She is happily, still in her long term marriage!

    We have no Royals here
    To stand and gawp at
    But I have my wildlife which
    I can talk at!!

    So across the sea, we all are happy
    Except for my grass,
    Which will soon be 

  • All the housework that is essential has been done, just had lunch while watching Trooping the Colour and youngest family have just asked if they can pop in for lunch!!

    Of course, said 'Yes' so awaiting their arrival. Just as well that the fridge is full of food...
  • I would struggle if people invited themselves at such short notice. Since the family left home, we have little in the fridge for just two of us!

    Have a nice time, Heather!

    Raining again here, now - it drizzled that fine stuff this morning which can make you wet through even though you can hardly see it......

    Really enjoyed watching most of the Trooping the Colour and the Balcony appearance.  How those children have grown already!!  Very cute.  And Kate looks lovely with her hair up.

  • LMAC   what a little beauty.

    Benson has just refused his afternoon walk as it is drizzling. He did come out this morning though that was touch and go as it was damp!!!!

  • BRENDA   will e mail bro again. Talking on the phone is not easy as he is very hard of hearing. 

  • I made it sound worse than it was, LINDY! Can always rustle up a salad - usually have salad, eggs, cold meats and cheeses in fridge for our own lunches. Always tuna and sweetcorn and mayonnaise in the cupboard and quiches, home made soups etc in freezer so not so bad! I'm sure that most of us would manage, it is the thought of it that makes us panic lol. They brought OH a nice present for Fathers Day next weekend, as they won't be in Inverness then.

  • Sorry, didn't get around to planned replies today.Very tired. Had a pretty bad night, my OH had chest pain about 2am. He is the world's worst patient and after several night time ambulance jobs over the years - nothing found to be wrong- I feel that I have to try and decide what to do. I asked the appropriate questions and made my own observations. Result - probably connected with his gastro reflux disorder. He fell asleep again but I didn't!! He will make an appointment with his GP on Monday, just to check.( I am a nurse, not a doctor!)He has been bright as a button all day, loved seeing the grandchildren and is currently watching football and shouting at the screen.

  • HEATHER   My OH is about to do the same. England v Russia. I will make myself scarce as I cannot stand football.    Hope it is nothing too serious with your OH and that he continues to be "bright as a button"

    Benson is very light on his feet and slips into places without us noticing- usually the garage. Just before we sat down for dinner I heard barking, he wasn't in the garage, he wasn't in the back garden. OH found him in the en suite!!! with the door closed.