Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey Topics), 5 June 2016


Last week's Chat thread is here.

No time for a post or replies from me, folks. Really, really busy. I'm sending good wishes to all. Heather: I hope your daughter is improving.

Everyone have a wonderful week!

  • Off to bed as I think I've had rather a lot to drink - Fridays are "drinkies night!"

  • Hello all, not been on much but lurking in the background. Not a lot to say except we had heavy downpours this afternoon after a week of mostly sunshine but with cloud coming in as well.

    Do hope that those who are not feeling well will soon regain their strength and be back in the fray so to speak.

    Take care all and have a good weekend.

  • Evening all: Got grocery shopping done in pretty good time, then to library, where I failed to check the "on hold" shelf and got home to an e-mail telling the DVD of The Lady in the Van was waiting for me there.  Still, the library is next door to the giant rummage sale, so will pop in after that.

    Lindybird:  I just don't get those hats some of the women wear. They often seem to bear no relation to the face underneath in terms of style, shape and proportion. But what do I know?  I would've thought Vera Lynn would have made the Honors list decades ago..

    Lmac: What a cutie! But rabbit poo? Hmmm.

    Brenda: My sister has a neighbor who insisted on delivering freshly killed - pheasants I think - that he'd caught.  They wound up with about three before they somehow managed to dissuade him from such generosity.  Re the new shed next door: Maybe your neighbor is glad to fill the garden with something that doesn't need weeding. Glad you're feeling better.

    OG: Just read your timely post about not watering and that reminded me I needed to lower the station run time on the automated irrigation system given our cool days, which are projected to continue through next week.

    WendyB; Welcome home.

    Lynette: Happy lurking. :-)

    Have to get creative with this project so will say night-night and have a good Saturday all.

  • Good Morning. Dry here at present. We have had some showers, but not a lot of rain yet.

    Lynette - "No news is good news"!!!

    Annette - Some nice mentions in the Honours List, including Penelope Wilton who I've long admired, a wonderful actress, and some charity workers who it's good to see recognised. Vera Lynn has been Dame Vera for ages, but Is now a Companion of Honour, in addition, which is only given to very few.

    Hoping to see "The Lady in the Van" sometime, it sounds wonderful.

    Brenda - Hope you feel more normal now and can enjoy your weekend.

    Lmac - Bonnie used to eat all kinds of poo, but now does it rarely, thank goodness.

  • Brenda - Laughed about the lettuce.  We give away lots of surplus produce, but some of it's requested - "Got any rhubarb you don't need?!" And the only veggie with additional slugs seems to be when my OH brings home cabbage. We don't grow lettuce because my OH won't eat it!

  • Good morning.  A slight sprinkling of dampness here, so OH is not starting to paint the front of the shed, to the advantage of some indoor cleaning!

    Wendy – pleased you had a lovely trip.  I suppose Daisy will not allow you to rest now you are home?

    Lynette – have a good weekend yourself – we are having a quiet one.

    Annette – I also want to watch “The Lady in the Van” – hoped it would appear as a birthday present and dropped hints, but they fell on deaf ears.  We once had three sea-trout delivered to our doorstep by a well-meaning friend – yukk!

    Linda – we need to give away some rhubarb – eating it twice a week, and frozen quite a lot.  Will probably be passing on surplus courgettes and cucumbers later – people at our previous church turned their noses up at garden produce, but folks at current one are happy to take it and generally make a donation to church funds in the process.

    Might now grab a duster and look busy!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Good Morning Everyone. A white sky with some sunshine this morning. Noticed we are in a warning area for heavy rain and storms.

    OH playing in a bowls match today, another tomorrow morning and again Monday evening. ( club and County. )  I have not been able to think about playing any bowls recently.

    OG / Annette, I enjoyed ' The Lady in the Van', so I hope you get to watch it. We find that people leave produce outside of church on a Sunday morning. The food banks seem to get plenty from the supermarkets and they can't store fresh produce for too long.

    Welcome home, Wendy.

    Lynette, Enjoy the quiet life,while it lasts :-))

    Linda, I love spring cabbage, but OH doesn't like it too often.

    I have taken a chance and hung washing outside.

  • Brenda and Lindy: Is it Saturday now?


    I'm on my way to get strawberries, OG -- and the rest of my groceries.

    Plus, I'm getting a new lawn mower. I hit a hidden metal post with the other one. sigh...

  • Checked with OH again, Diane. It is definitely Saturday.

    Sorry about your lawn mower. Just when you are earning extra money , you are having to spend it !!

  • Hello again!  Still no “real” rain, but decision made – cleaning started.

    Brenda – I hope none of the bowls matches get rained off.  Food banks here are not allowed to accept fresh food and garden produce at all – red tape reasons!  Such a shame – they provide cookery lessons to try to get people eating better, but they can only access packaged goods.

    Diane – it must be Saturday: J hasn’t gone to work, but I do know we already had a Wednesday this week!  Sorry you have to replace the lawnmower.


    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!