Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey Topics), 5 June 2016


Last week's Chat thread is here.

No time for a post or replies from me, folks. Really, really busy. I'm sending good wishes to all. Heather: I hope your daughter is improving.

Everyone have a wonderful week!

  • Oh Brenda I wish. We take her out with her friend Bennie when we are up north and he has taught her to roll in the most undesirable things, jump in bogs, drink out of stagnant puddles and tonight she is behaving like an unruly teenager as she has been alone with OH all week and is looking for me to spoil her. It must be like having kids which I never have had but I know I would sell my soul to the devil for her!! Oh and a special delicacy is rabbit poo. Disgusting little creatures really

  • AQ, I am pleased to see that your daughter is now coping with the children, both for your sake and her's. I am sure the children miss you though.

    OG, Very elderly gentleman, from bowls club, but is unable to play any longer, left two lettuce in our porch this morning. I have never seen so many slugs on one small lettuce before. `i did start to clean it, but then told OH that I had to throw it away. I did ring the man, though and thanked him for such a lovely treat. He did reply that he hoped that I didn't find an odd slug :-))

  • Brenda -  We realised that - a hunting breed is always a hunting breed. If there's nothing else to hunt, she chases the flies on the windowsills! Eats them alive, too!  We have a couple of pairs of pigeons plus a pair of doves who all come to raid the bird feeders - they drive her crazy!!

    Quite a tale about that garden shed. They may regret it!

    I watched a lot of the Queens birthday service, it was lucky it stayed dry for all those special outfits. Apparently Prince Philip asked that there was no fuss about his birthday, as he wanted his wife to enjoy hers.....aah!  Nice to see lots of the extended Royal Family - someone said on TV that you would not normally see so many of them at once except at a wedding.

    Lmac - Lovely pic of Tapaidh.  Butter wouldn't melt!

  • Diane - Don't confuse me any more.  I decided it was Thursday when it was really Tuesday.  Since then I've had a difficult week!  Today I felt as if it was Saturday already.....

  • I've just been back to take a mistaken extra letter out of my own post, and flagged it for abuse!!!!!!

  • LOL Linda. I have done that to myself a couple of times.

  • Good evening.  Still no rain, but we looked at plants this evening and decided we could miss out watering tonight because there hadn’t been much sun or wind to dry them out.  However, the washing dried outside today.  It has felt thundery a number of times during the day, and I think we are almost guaranteed a weather front from the west tomorrow bringing some rain.

    Alan – Bowie looks as good as ever; how old is he now - must be about 3?

    Dibnlib – hope you get that railway-line fence properly repaired soon, and that your Brother will be more co-operative letting you know how things are with your Mum.

    Lmac – nice to see a picture of Tapaidh again; she looks so sweet, and what a lovely colour, but I don’t like the idea of some of her country habits!

    Brenda – you “sound” better; I hope that means you really are!  Neighbour’s shed sounds rather OTT to me.  Our Dau#1 and OH have a very large garden, but they have crowded it with playhouse (youngest is now 16), summerhouse, cycle shed, tool shed, hot tub, trampoline – oh, and two conservatories on the house!  I hope your elderly friend has good eyesight to see the slugs lurking when he cuts a lettuce for himself – but a kind thought to give them to you!  (Lettuces, not slugs!)

    Replacement podiatrist today was very good – really cleaned up the rubbish skin on my toes, and her massage was wonderful.  She spent three times as long on my feet.  She does home visits, and I think I might change to her instead of the one we always had!  If OH is worried about switching, he can stay with the other one (who came through her op happily).

    So – I think after reading all the posts it was Friday today and will be Saturday tomorrow!  Have a good weekend, all.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Home after Seahouses trip ...

    Met up with Jen late of LG so trip to Farnes with her where she is working was amazing..

    Puffins Terns etc etc galore ..

    Phew tired now .

  • I am so much better, OG, Thank you. Now enjoying my food again.

  • Lovely, Wendy!

    Brenda - good you've got your appetite back. Be kind to yourself over the weekend, and rest a little.

    Been catching up on recorded programmes as we seem to have a lot....

    Just seen the Headlines, and pleased to see the Birthday Honours include people like Dame Vera Lynn. The Queen herself must be tired as she's had lots to do lately. She tried hard to be expressionless during today's service. I don't think she likes fuss.

    OG - Glad your feet feel good!  Seriously, though, it makes such a difference.   We had thunder this morning so I unplugged the tv!

    Dibnlib - Sorry the fence isn't fixed properly. How annoying.