Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey Topics), 5 June 2016


Last week's Chat thread is here.

No time for a post or replies from me, folks. Really, really busy. I'm sending good wishes to all. Heather: I hope your daughter is improving.

Everyone have a wonderful week!

  • Annette : I see what you mean about the feet but it is just the way he is standing, also he usually carries his tail over his back. It is hard to get a decent pic as he is a very active dog

  • Alan: Ah so. Our cat looks positively bandy-legged when you look at her full on and it's the way her hair goes...  And the only reason I noticed Bowie is that I have rather large feet myself. :-)

    In from TJs, have another load of oranges for the Food Bank and about to load them in the car - it's all go.

  • I've been food shopping, finally found time to fill my hanging basket with plants and hang it by the front door, and fed the sweet peas - yesterday I picked the first ones and the smell was divine!  - wish I could send you all some of the perfume....

    We had a sharp shower after lunch and its destroyed some of the poppies which have come out two days ago, but not hurt the ones which are just opening.  We have several colours at once, including Patty's Plum which someone asked about.  ( www.clareaustin-hardyplants.co.uk/products/papavarorientale-pattys-plum  )

    Don't know why that won't go blue....

    Enjoyed seeing some of the Queens special service at the Abbey(?) this morning, enough to confirm that even when you spend a lot, you still don't always get it right with your outfit!!  LOL!!  Some nice hats there, though....  Her Majesty looked happy and relaxed, and even Prince Philip looked smiling.

  • Unknown said:
    Back later to start the new thread.

    Please don't confuse me any more than I am, Diane. It is Friday here, ( I checked with my OH)  LOL I think you have been working too hard.

  • But it feels like it should be Saturday. LOL

    You're right. I'm really distracted.

  • Does this mean an extra day to wait for those Strawberries, DIANE?

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Hello all

    Just watched the highlights of the Queen's service. I missed it this morning as was out doing weekly big shop. Then, not long after lunch, OH's son and family arrived. A nice surprise. They are all going to New York on Monday, for a week.

    I'll be back tomorrow with replies etc.

  • A wee snap to show Lindy there is another badly behaved, sometimes, spaniel. I haven't seen her all week so she is getting a touch spoiled as she's not  normally all owed on the furniture :)

  • A lovely sunny day here. OH cut the grass and did some necessary pruning before the garden bin was emptied. We went food shopping and picked up some more plants at the garden centre, for my very large pots.

    Neighbour asked us to have a look at his new garden shed. It is very large. Half is a closed in summer house and the other half is an open fronted barbecue area. They have lived in Majorca for 18 years and I think they must have forgotten about our changeable climate. The 'shed' is a lovely construction, but is far too big for his sized garden. We said all the right things and said how lovely it was, but in truth, he needs another acre of garden.

    I enjoyed watching the Queen's 90th Birthday service from St Paul's, but I did feel sorry that it was held on the Duke's actual 95th Birthday.

    Dibnlib, Hope you can contact your brother this evening. Hopefully everything has been arranged correctly for your Mum.

    Linda, Bonnie is of a hunting breed and she will always catch rabbits, when she is able. Neighbour's dog often returns with a rabbit, even though she is a very well behaved 13yr old dog.

  • Lmac. She is obviously a perfect angel. She looks adorable.